Chapter 7: "Team RWBY"

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As Weiss left the room after helping Leon set things up, she couldn't help but think back on the things she found out from Leon.

Finding out about the horror of watching his own friends get killed in front of him still continued to send chills down Weiss' spine. She couldn't imagine how much it could've hurt Leon; both mentally and emotionally.

'I hope you can get through this, Leon,' Weiss thought as she looked back at the front door of his room before she walked back to her team's dorm.

As she walked closer to her team's dorm, she could hear what sounded like giggling and laughing. All this, and what sounded like an angry Yang exclaiming something she could barely hear.

When she opened the door to her team's dorm room, she saw what seemed like Ruby fooling around (as usual) and her sister Yang with her hair burning a fiery flame.

"Yang likes Leon! Yang likes Leon!" Ruby exclaimed in a playful manner.

"I DON'T, OKAY?!" Yang exclaimed as her rage showed via her semblance making her eyes glow crimson red and her blonde hair continue to burn.

"What's... Going on here?" Weiss asked as she interrupted the two siblings.

"Oh... Hey Weiss! As you can see, it looks like my sister has taken quite a liking to your friend--."

"I said... I DO NOT LIKE HIM!" Yang shouted out with rage, cutting Ruby off.

"Oh yeah, sis? Well, could you explain the yellow tulip on your hair then?" Ruby shot back.

"This was just a token of goodwill, that's all! Geez, Ruby..." Yang replied.

"Wait, wait... Could you two just please slow down and bring me up to speed?" Weiss asked.

"Well, Weiss... When Leon arrived here, I bumped into him by chance and got to meet him. Then, as a token of goodwill (like he said), he gave me this tulip I'm wearing on my hair. That's all, I swear!" Yang exclaimed.

"So... You didn't flirt with him... Did you, Yang Xiao Long?" Weiss said with a narrowed glare, all while emphasizing Yang's name with a bold delivery.

"Whut? W-Who, me? NO WAY! I mean, yeah... Sure, I do kinda flirt with some guys... But Leon seems like a nice guy, that's all! He's not really my type--."

"Oh, come on sis! You like him, and it's obvious! Love at first sight, right? Just like you said back then!" Ruby happily said.

A devious smirk then crept up Weiss' face, making both Yang and even Ruby feel uncomfortable to say the least.

"So... Yang Xiao Long... Did you happen to do any... "Funny business" with Leon before you two got to us?" Weiss said with the same expression and a much more narrowed glare.

Yang raised her hands up in the air and began to back away as Weiss approached her.

"W-WHUT?! N-No way! I-I'd never do anything like that to a guy I just met! Never! Leon's a good guy, and quite the looker as well I might add... But no way would I do anything to him--."

"Up, up, up! You're telling me too much, Yang... I only asked a simple question now, didn't I? Now, be honest... Do you like Leon, or not?" Weiss asked.

"Nope! Absolutely not! Sure, he's a pretty nice guy... But nope! Totally not my type!" Yang replied in a rush.

Amidst Yang's façade, Weiss and Ruby could tell that she was obviously trying to fool them (much to her dismay).

"Okay... Whatever you say... Yang Xiao Long Night..." Weiss said with a chuckle.

"Grr!!! Cut it out, Weiss!" Yang exclaimed.

"What? I'm just joking! No need to be so dramatic. Besides, you're not the only one with a sense of humor," Weiss said in a sly manner.

"Hmph. Whatever," Yang said as she blew away a strand of her long, blonde hair from her face.

"Hehehe... Yang and Leon sitting in a tree..." Ruby whispered.

"JUST CUT IT OUT ALREADY!" Yang shouted out as her eyes once again glowed crimson red and her hair burned an even more fiery flame. "Blake, at least say something!"

"What do you even want me to say? The obvious, Yang?" Blake calmly said with a sly smirk as she sat down on her bed with her book in hand.


"Hehe. What? I'm just joking, of course. Get yourself a chill pill, firecracker," Blake joked.

"GRRRRR!!! Seriously, guys?! Cut me some slack here, will ya?!" Yang exclaimed in annoyance.

"Whatever you say... Miss Xiao Long Night," Weiss whispered with a slight chuckle which just made Yang shrug her off.

But, deep down... Yang couldn't help but wonder...

'Am I... Actually starting to like Leon? Geez, Yang Xiao Long. You've only met him today! Get yourself together...'

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