17- en route

369 29 12

"Beautiful?" I muttered confused, it hasn't been an hour since he said I was ugly.

"We're getting late" he changed the subject quickly hurrying out of the store.

Blue jumped in his side allowing me to get into mine, by myself, with a large dress. What a gentleman.

We were in the car speeding down the busy road when I decided to ask him again. It's going to keep whirling around my mind until it's answered.

I'm an over thinker what can I say.

"Did you really call me beautiful"

Blue inhaled a deep breath keeping his gaze locked with the road ahead.
"Shut up Red"

" why is it that you can't admit anything"

It's only been 24 hours but I can already tell that he doesn't like to show people how he really feels which means he won't tell me.

He stands blankly in a corner holding a gun ready to kill. Talking seems like a game he doesn't like to play but today he has.

Only a little. He tried to be normal but it's hard, I can't lie I know exactly why. Not one bone in my body is normal.

"Admit what, it was a slip of the tongue" Mmmm okayyyyyy.

Straight up LIAR.

"Freudian slip"

"Nothing like that" He muttered his hands clenching tighter around the wheel. So he didn't mean it, leaning back I began fo fiddle with my fingers sadly. Fuck Sanam stop it!

Clapping my hands together I smiled "You really know how to make a girls day"

It's like he purposely wants me to feel like absolute shit. I know I'm not a pretty woman and I've never been but it's different being told it.

I'm just too insecure to take this.

"That's not why we're here, it seems like your forgetting the predicament your in" he spat trying to change the topic quickly, well i mean he's not wrong.

I've tried to make this door into something more than a last day.

"Your going to kill me" I mumbled, suddenly my deer like eyes became watery.

Gosh stop it!

Blues face scrunched in confusion as he noticed my expression.

Turning to the side I glanced at a petrol station a few metres ahead.

"Can we stop I need some water" I whispered trying not to break down into tears.

Ok why am I so emotional right now, this isn't good at all.

"We're already late"

"Please" I asked still keeping my gaze out of the window.

Blue sighed before pulling into the petrol station and parked near the shop. He was about to get out of the car when I quickly escaped the car and sprinted inside as fast as I could.

That car was beginning to make me panic, I need some air.

Running to the back I quickly leaned against the wall with a sigh, what the hell is going on with me.


Stop feeling like maybe it isn't the right decision.

Come on you need to meet everyone up there. They're waiting for you

This is all so confusing already, when internal Sanam decides to get involved it never helps.

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