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Panicking, I roughly pressed the green button.


I sensed sadness and dread from her voice.

"Oh, babe. Mia, I'm so fucking sorry. I've been an idiot for taking you for granted. I love you. I LOVE YOU SO DAMN MUCH. Please, come back. I promise I won't ever break your heart again. Just be mine."

"Luke, I..."

"Mia, I'm lost without you. I can't do anything properly. I'm a fucking mess when you broke up with me. I know I've been a shitty boyfriend. Let me make up to you. You're everything to me."

"Luke, please..."

"Mia, I'm trying so hard to fix-"


Fuck. This is the first time she raised her voice at me.
"Okay babe, I'll listen."

"Luke, I've been looking like a complete psychopath waiting for you to call, or even text me or something. Anything. I was in pain. And you. YOU were on tour. You forgot you had a girlfriend, Luke. You forgot about me. And after that I realized that I deserve better. I've loved you, for goodness sake. I've loved you so much it left me shattered. And now I'm all alone picking up the pieces of myself that you broke..."

"Mia, let me. Let me put the pieces back together. Let me save our relationship. Let me love you again."

"Luke, I'm scared. I'm afraid that if I give you another chance, you'd break me again. And I can't afford that. I just can't."

I broke her. I'm the one to blame. I did this. My fault. All my fault.

"I won't, Mia. I promise I won't. I hate to talk to you on the phone, I want to be with you right now. To embrace you. To taste your lips again. Babe, please."

"I love you, Luke. I do. I still do."

"Fuck babe, I love you too. So much."

"I'll give you another chance. Don't mess this up."

"I won't. I promise you this, Mia. I will be with you even though we're miles apart. You have my heart."

"And you have mine."

I can't stop smiling. I have her back. She's mine again. I'm not gonna mess this up. Not again.

As I placed my phone on the table, I rushed out of the room and ran directly towards Calum, my best friend.

"Calum! Caluuuumm! CALUMMM!"
I dived in the couch, and landed on his lap.

"Whoa, shit dude, easy! Watch the pizza!"
"Oh, sorry. I have news! I HAVE GREAT NEWS."
"You finally decided to quit the band?"
"What?! No! Of course not!"
"Damn, I thought you're gonna leave."
"Calum, I'm serious."
"Okay dude. Kidding! Now. What's up?"
Shit I can't steady myself. SHIT SHIT SHIT.

"Mia and I are back together."
"So, the girl decided to give the asshole a second chance!"
"Oh shut up."
"Well, I'm glad you two are okay now. But please. Don't go all mushy with her in front of me. It's gross."
"You're just jealous."
"What?! No I'm not!"
"Yes you are. You just miss Isabel. I would know. I've experienced that already."

For those of you who didn't know, Isabel is Calum's girlfriend. Whatever. They're just perfect.

"Okay. Who wouldn't miss their bae? Definitely not me. I miss her so fucking bad. I haven't had a proper date for weeks. I mean, yeah, we talk constantly and everything, but it's like something's missing, you know?"
"Yeah, I know. Any plans of going back to her after half the tour?"
"Of course! We already planned shit. Movie date. Gonna watch The Fault In Our Stars."
"Cal, that's like, ages ago. Never watched it?"
"Never. That's why I'm going with her."
"It's perfect. Mikey actually cried when we watched it."
"Don't forget you were a mess that day too."
"I MEAN WHO WOULDN'T BE? Oh enough of that, what's your next plan?"
"That's strictly confidential."
"Whatever dude. Gotta go. Gonna talk to Mia. Oh wait, I forgot. She's asleep now. Timezones suck."
"I feel you bro. I feel you."

Calum went off to his room and slammed the door shut. A few minutes later I heard him shouting and giggling and saying muffled words. I guess he's talking to Belle. Those two are so fucking inseparable.

Meanwhile, I'm lying on the couch, just thinking of her - that perfect smile, those kissable lips, those mysterious, irresistible blue eyes that match mine, her hair that smells of lilacs. I miss everything about her.

I can't get rid of the thought of being with her again. Reunited. I'll hold her forever. Never will I let go. I just fucking miss her so badly.

"Um, dude? Why're you kissing your pillow?"
"Shit, Mikey, can't you knock?!"

That nasty grin. Oh I'm so gonna be humiliated again.

"Oh, I see. I'll be going then. You two uh, have fun I guess?"
Michael slammed the door shut.

I'm grinning like an idiot here, just remembering the fact that I saved our relationship.

And as I think of her, my eyes close, but I still see her. I dreamt of being with her again. Of holding her hand. Of rushing waves. And then I heard her voice saying...



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