Chapter Twelve

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The kings left shortly after that. They had a light lunch delivered and Lily laid down after eating. She remained on top of the covers, only wanting to take a small nap. A knock woke her a couple of hours later. After waking enough to realize what the sound was, she sat up on the edge of the bed.

"Come in," she called as she ran a hand down her face, trying to be rid of the last of the fatigue.

Jane opened the door and stepped inside. "Hello, Mistress."


"The Masters have requested that you join them for dinner in the garden." The girl kept her hands laced together in front of her.

Panic shot through Lily. "Right now?"

The vampire smiled slightly. "In one hour."

"An hour? Ugh. That's not enough time." Lily stood and started taking off all of her rings and bracelets. She laid them on the dresser as she did. "Can you help me, Jane?"

"Of course. What do you need?" the guard agreed immediately.

"I'm going to take a shower. In one of those garment bags is a white dress with wild flowers on it. Could you find it for me please? And in one of those boxes by the closet is a pair of white sandals with green and blue beading. Thank you." Lily grabbed her toiletries and a set of undergarments from the duffle bag sitting on the floor at the foot of her bed. She hurried into the bathroom to get ready for her date.

Once Lily had been properly cleaned, shaved and plucked, she put on her underwear. She then slid on the fluffy robe that was hanging on the back of door. When she stepped into the bedroom, she found Jane standing by the bed. The dress and shoes Lily had asked for were laid out. "Thank you, Jane."

"You are welcome. I took the liberty of taking your other clothes out of the garment bags and organizing them in your closet. I also put the shoes away."

Lily blinked. "I don't know how I always forget about that vamp speediness. Thank you. I don't suppose you know how to do hair, do you?" She'd gotten far too used to having Alice and Rose around to do it for her.

Jane smiled. "Of course."


Lily arrived in the garden to find the three kings in conversation. She stood watching them until Aro looked up, catching her eye. His eyes widened as he looked her over and got to his feet. Marcus and Caius turned to see what had captured his attention only for them to have the same reaction. Lily smiled softly and took the seat that Aro pulled out for her. "Thank you."

"You look lovely, dolcezza," Marcus said.

"Agreed. You are beautiful." The two tamer brothers smiled, thrilled at the prospect of spending time with their mate.

Caius crossed his legs then crossed his arms over his chest as he ran his gaze over her. "I see that you are indeed capable of dressing yourself appropriately."

She arched a brow and gave him a nod as she took a bite of the pasta they'd placed in front of her. "When the situation calls for it."

The blond straightened in his seat. "And meeting your mates who happen to be the rulers of the vampire race didn't warrant careful attention to your appearance?"

He was clearly offended at this perceived slight and the thought amused Lily. "Leaving my family to fly over nine hours to relocate half-way around the world with my mates warranted some comfort. And I did take care in my appearance, Caius. I just didn't dress the way you expected me to." She shrugged and continued eating. Caius started to speak again but snapped his mouth shut at glares from both of his brothers.

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