Chapter Twenty-Nine

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"Let them in, Rose," came Carlisle's voice from further in the house.

She stepped aside with a sigh and Liliana dropped her bags inside the door before pushing past her to get to their dad who waited at the top of the stairs. Lily threw her arms around him, relief flooding through her when he reciprocated the gesture. She buried her head in his neck. "I've missed you. So much."

"I see you brought company with you," he said as he stepped back. She reluctantly let him go and moved aside so he could greet Garrett. He shook his old friend's hand. "Good to see you, Garrett. It's been awhile."

"Too long," the man agreed.

Lily's gaze moved between them noticing a warmth in their reunion that seemed to be missing from her own, despite the hug. "You remember Sebastian," she introduced as the other man stepped forward. Carlisle greeted him with a nod.

It was then she noticed the others gathered in the room though none of them moved to greet her. Hurt buzzed through her and she focused on locking down the blocks on her emotions. The blocks that would keep any of those feelings from traveling through the bonds. Her family examined her as if she were any stranger off the street not even sending a smile in her direction.

"Where's Jasper?" she asked knowing that he would be happy to see her even if no one else was.

"He and Alice have gone to visit Peter and Charlotte," Esme explained.

Liliana's heart sank. "Oh."

Garrett stepped closer to her which surprised her but she'd take whatever comfort she could get. "What are you doing here, Lily?" Edward asked. She glanced at him to find him leaning against the wall with his arms crossed over his chest.

Carlisle sent him a look. "I think what he means is we weren't expecting you."

"Yes, you should have called," Esme added.

Emmett was the only one who hadn't spoken and from the looks of things he had no intention of doing so. He was ignoring them all while he played a video game with his headphones on.

"Whatever happened with Bella Swan?" she asked.

Rosalie snorted. "Is that why you're here? Checking up on us, your majesty?"

Lily physically flinched from the venom in her voice. Instead of responding, she shifted her attention back to Carlisle. "Can we talk?"

"Of course," he gestured toward his office and she led the way. He stepped in behind her and shut the door. "It's been soundproofed since you were last here."

He took his seat while she settled into one across from him. She chewed at the inside of her lip while she contemplated what to say. "I have to be honest, this wasn't the reception I was expecting. From any of you."

He hummed in agreement and leaned back in his chair. "Tell me what's going on, Lily, and then we'll talk about the rest."

Once she started talking, the words flowed until she had told him everything.

"This doesn't make any sense," he said after a stretch of silence.

She shrugged. "It's the truth."

He shook his head. "It's not that. The kings asked you to leave?"

"No. They told me to leave. There's a difference."

"That doesn't coincide with the call I received from Aro at all."

Lily straightened in her seat. Her heart raced at the mention of her mate. As much as she didn't want to, she missed them. "He called you? What did he say?"

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