Chapter 27

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It had never taken Marcus so long to write a letter. The fact that his brothers helped him only made it that much worse. Predictably, they'd disagreed on what to say and how to say it. He shook his head at the thought as he approached Lilliana's door, tapping the letter nervously against the palm of his hand as he went. While they had written everything down, he thought it might be best to remain while she read it. Then he could ensure that she didn't misinterpret the meaning behind their words. He paused with his hand on the knob. Normally, he'd just walk in but given the current situation perhaps he should knock. He did only to frown when he received no response.

Marcus tried again, louder, wondering if she had her headphones in. When he still received no answer, Marcus opened the door and stepped inside. Lily wasn't at her desk and the rest of her rooms were far too quiet for his liking. "Liliana," he called. Uneasiness settled in his belly even as he strode through the theater room to her studio in search of her. Finding nothing, he headed back to the bedroom.

He froze as he stepped inside. Clothes littered the bed and the floor. His gaze darted around noticing that several of her more precious possessions were no longer in their place.

No. She wouldn't leave them. She couldn't.

He sent a quick text to summon his brothers and moved deeper into the room. He advanced slowly, afraid of missing some clue. Some sign of where she was, where she went. Why she wasn't here where she belonged.

"What is it?" Aro asked as he entered with Caius on his heels.

Marcus didn't answer. He didn't need to as he watched their faces morph as they came to the same conclusion he had.

"Her crest," Caius said, gesturing toward the bed.

Marcus immediately found the flash of gold he'd missed amongst the rest of the mess. He clenched his teeth. The crest went beyond marking her as a member of their coven. It was a measure of protection for her as all vampires knew what it meant. And knew what the Volturi would do to one that harmed one of their own.

He picked it up and ran his thumb over it before passing it to Aro. Her crest was one of a kind, marking her as the queen and their mate. It was definitely hers. The letter Marcus found beneath it held much more of his interest at that moment, however. He scanned through it quickly, his heart breaking more with every word.

"What does it say?" He'd never heard Caius' voice so quiet. So full of fear.

To my Kings,

As I'm sure you have gathered by this point, I have left. I have left the Volturi, Volterra and Italy. And I have left you. I have taken one of my guard with me for protection and company as he seems to be the only one that hasn't turned into a complete ass lately. Recent events have made it clear that I should have given more consideration to how my life would change by accepting my role as your mate. It seems that I am always the one making the sacrifices while getting little to nothing in return.

So, mates, I need a break. I need to leave Volterra for a while. Alone. I need a moment to recenter my world. And if you EVER want me to return, you will not follow. You will not track me. You will send no one after me. Give me my time and perhaps I will return to you on my own. If you think to drag me back, I will resent you more than I already do.

Liliana Montgomery Cullen

A spike of pure agony shot through Marcus that she had dropped the Volturi from her name. Aro snatched the letter to read through it on his own as if Marcus would lie about such a thing. He closed his eyes and rubbed his chest. A tear escaped his eye to run down his cheek. He hadn't felt pain like this since Didyme died. Maybe not even then. After all, he'd loved his wife, but she wasn't the center of his universe like Liliana.

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