Chapter 16

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After a warm bath, Lily dressed in sleep pants and a tank. She left off the shoes as usual and padded over to her office. If she laid down right now, she'd only get stiff and the furniture in her sitting area was far too plush for her to get out of easily in her current condition. Her office chair would be about perfect for now.

She decided to check out her new computer and see what was hiding in the drawers of her desk. That kept her occupied until she got lost in emails. She hadn't checked them in several days and she needed to respond to several of them. It was early afternoon when a knock came at the door. Needing to move anyway, she went over to answer it instead of just calling them in.

As expected, it was her mates. She could feel them looking over her injuries, but all she cared about was the plate in Aro's hand. Seeing the food, she suddenly realized that she was starving. She snatched the plate from him, causing him to chuckle. She went back to her desk and reclaimed her seat. Caius and Aro sat in two of the chairs and she blinked when she realized Marcus was gone though he'd been there just a moment before.

"Where's Marcus?"

"He'll return shortly," Aro assured.

She felt their gazes as she ate her sandwich and glanced over at them. It only took her a second to realize they were taking in both her bruises from earlier and her much older scarring. Caius's gaze in particular seemed to be focused on her arm that bore the scars from the fire. She held it up and turned it so he could get a better view. "Pretty, huh?"

Marcus entered the room as she said it and his eyes ran over the burns before flicking back to hers. "Might I ask..."

She hummed in response and leaned back in her chair. "It's from the night John died. I burnt my hand a little retrieving the crest but most of this is from me grabbing my phone. It had been knocked from my hand during the fight and was across the room on the floor. Every way I had to contact anyone was in that phone. I couldn't leave without it. I already had a pain block up. I didn't feel it until much later."

"So, there is a downfall to your gift?" Aro asked.

"Oh, there's several, but that is one of the biggest, yes."

"Humans are so fragile," Caius mutters, his gaze locked on the scars.

Lily arched a brow and scowled at the blond king. Sometimes he was so bizarre. The look on his face unsettled her, but she shook it off when Marcus placed something on the desk before claiming the remaining chair. When he did so, she realized that she had three guest chairs in her office precisely for this reason. After all, they already told her that she'd meet others in the offices off the throne room. They really had thought of everything.

Her cheeks flushed and she cleared her throat as she picked up the vial. The liquid within was a brownish-purple and thick. She frowned at it before looking at her mates. "What is it?"

"Drink it," Marcus instructed. "It will help with your injuries."

"That didn't really answer the question," she muttered as she took the cap off to sniff the odd concoction. Her lip curled in disgust.

"It is a potion that our witches have created. We would not give you anything that would harm you, Liliana," Aro assured, a small smile on his lips.

She looked between the three of them one more time before taking a deep breath and downing the vial in one quick motion. Her gag reflex kicked in immediately and she had to swallow several times to make sure it stayed down. She downed her glass of water in an attempt to chase the flavor from her tongue. "That is foul," she finally managed to say and the kings chuckled.

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