Chapter 17

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Lily woke suddenly. Her eyes flew open and it took her a moment to realize she was seeing her ceiling in far more detail than she was used to. Another beat, another moment and the memory of Caius's bite flooded through her. Her head snapped to the left to find her mates sitting beside the bed. All three wore smiles, though the eyes of at least two of them looked troubled.

Marcus was the first to stand and Lily twitched backward. It was only an inch, but it was enough for him to notice. He froze and his smile faded. Aro stood next, keeping his hands out to the side in a gesture of surrender. "How are you, cara mia?"

Her now scarlet gaze darted to him, but she didn't answer. Venom flooded her eyes. It wasn't fair to Marcus or Aro but she feared them now. Her mates were supposed to be safe. They weren't supposed to hurt her. And Caius had hurt her more than she thought possible.

At the thought, her gaze shifted to the man in question and he flashed to the side of the bed. She scrambled away from him and off the far side of the bed to press herself into the far corner. She slammed the block down on the bond so they would feel nothing from her. She needed time to process this.

"Liliana," Marcus said in that annoying tone he got when she blocked them.

She looked at him and shook her head. "Don't." Venom tears ran down her cheeks. "I'd like to be alone, please."

Caius's face contorted in fury. "No. This is better. You are better now. This fixes everything. Don't you see?"

"Enough!" Aro yelled, causing her to flinch though it wasn't directed at her. "You've done enough, Caius."

The blond glared at the three of them before storming out and slamming the heavy door behind him.

"You need to eat," Marcus said, breaking the silence that fell after his brother left. "I will have something brought to you."

As if his words reminded her body, her throat began to burn. She slid a block into place and it faded immediately. "I'm not hungry."

"Impossible. Stop being stubborn," Aro snapped.

"I'm not being stubborn. I'm not fucking hungry."

Aro's jaw tightened before he stormed from the room as well. Obviously, he was trying not to yell at her, and she appreciated it.

Marcus, as ever, was the voice of reason. "Should you need anything, simply call. We will not be far."

As soon as the door shut behind him, she flashed over and grabbed her phone from the dresser. She was careful with her strength not wanting to damage the thing she needed more than anything else in the world right now. After curling back up in the corner, she hesitated a minute before calling Carlisle. She really wanted to speak with Jasper or even Edward, but neither of them would be the voice of reason she needed right now.

Carlisle answered on the second ring. "Lily, It's good to hear from you." His happy voice had her smiling a bit in spite of the circumstances.

She swallowed past the lump in her throat. "Can you talk? Somewhere away from everyone?" She'd done a decent job of moderating her voice, but anyone that knew her would be able to tell she was upset.

"Go ahead, sweetheart. What's wrong?" he said a moment later.

She opened her mouth to tell him and found herself sobbing instead. "I'm s-sorry," she managed to get out between sobs.

"It's okay, Lily. Let it out. I'll be here when you're finished."

After a couple of minutes, she pulled herself together enough to talk. "Okay."

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