Chapter Thirty-six

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When Aro stopped, Lily found herself back in her room. He lowered her to stand on her feet, but he didn't release her. He buried his face in the crook of her neck and breathed in her scent. His hands were nearly trembling with need. There had been far too much time spent without his mate in his arms. Never again.

"I am so sorry, cara mia. I'm sorry any of this came between us. I am sorry for every even mildly annoyed thought I had about you. I'm sorry you found none of your things in my room because I was too weak to keep them there." All his words were muttered against the skin of her neck where his lips refused to leave.

"Stop, my love. I heard everything. I know everything. I don't need your apologies. Besides, if anyone is to blame for this mess, it's me."

Aro pulled back with a frown as her other two mates entered the room. "How could you possibly be responsible for any of this mess?"

She sighed. "He did this because of me. And if I'd been honest about what was happening from the beginning maybe we would have realized something else was going on. And if I hadn't blocked my emotions and bonds you would have realized something was wrong. And—"

Caius grasped her arms and pulled her against his chest. "Enough of this. Enough," he ordered as he wrapped his arms around her. Like his brother, he nuzzled into her neck to take in her scent. "My Lily. Gods, how I missed you." He moved only enough to kiss her before returning to his previous position. "None of us is at fault for any of this, least of all you. But I will apologize any way. I am sorry I was stubborn and cold and angry. I'm sorry I thought for a moment that any of this was your doing. I'm sorry I didn't come after you the moment we realized you were gone."

"It's my turn, brother," Marcus stated. Caius reluctantly released her so she could go to her brunet mate. Like with the other two, she was immediately enveloped in his arms with his nose buried against her neck.

"Never leave me again, dolcezza. I can not stand it. I am sorry if we made you feel as if you could not turn to us for anything you needed."

Liliana shook her head and pulled away. "You didn't make me feel that way. That was all Sebastian. He's gone and we'll never have to worry about him again."

"I still wish you had brought him home with you. I would have liked to speak with him," Caius said, a dangerous glint in his eye.

Lily huffed a laugh. "Yeah. Speak. Sorry you didn't get your torture session, but I was through with him. I couldn't stand to have him near me any longer."

"It was probably safer for her to get rid of him when she did anyway," Aro offered.

"Let us speak no more of Sebastian and his cruelties." Marcus cradled his mate's face in his hands and brought her forward to press a gentle kiss to her lips. As Lily melted into the warm embrace of her mate, the kiss didn't stay gentle for long. And then her kings proceeded to show her exactly how much she was missed.


Many hours later, the four of them were sprawled in the massive bed in Lily's room. She laid in the middle with Aro on one side and Caius on the other. Marcus laid further down in the bed, his head resting on her belly while she ran her fingers through his hair. She was perfectly sated and perfectly happy. This was life as it should be. At least for her and her mates. But there was work to be done.

"You do realize you're going to have to let me see other people eventually?" she teased.

Marcus hummed as he thought. ""

She grasped his hair and tugged.

Her mate growled in mock annoyance. "Behave, mia regina."

A knock came at the door interrupting their peaceful moment. Aro sighed and made certain Lily was covered before he answered. "Enter."

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