Chapter 9: Alice

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Reality: Alpha

POV: John Packer

I wake up in a holding cell with my body feeling like someone hit it repeatably with a jack hammer and then put me in the washing machine, just to see what would happen. I look down at my hands and see long scars running up and down the length of my arms. I look at the scars, not remembering where I got them from, and then my memories start flooding my mind as fast images. I hear someone enter the room and see that the commander has decided to talk to her prisoner.

We look at each other silently for the longest time and then she sits down. She sighs and asks, "Do you know how long you have been in here?"

I shake my head and think, is she really going to pull this stunt again? She sighs again and says, "You have been out cold for a couple days and haven't shown any signs of life until now. I'm sorry that we had to pull that stunt on you, but we wouldn't have been able to prepare any other way. Just so you know, because you asked us to wipe your memory, but you volunteered for this."

I look at her, puzzled, and decided to act as though I had lost my memory. "Where am I," I ask her.

"You are in a secret military compound somewhere in North America and have agreed that a threat from alternate realities was to dangerous, so you decided to help us," she lied as a guard came up behind her and handed her a debrief packet.

I look at her through slits in my eyes, but stay quiet as she continues talking. "The stuff we put you through was so traumatic that we had to make sure you didn't remember anything from the experience and so we did some brain altering stuff," she explained as I look at her, making sure my face was still a mask of confusion.

The mask became real after she said that however because if that's what they really did than what could they have changed, am I going to have a bomb placed inside my head, or are they now going to now my every thought? The thoughts kept running around and around my head. They kept going until the commander said, "We also had to place one of our advanced A.I.'s in your head to make sure you didn't get any ideas."

I look around, confused, until a voice in my head, which wasn't my own, says, "How are you today John? My name is Alice. It's a pleasure to meet you acquaintance at last."

I look at her surprised by the sudden interruption and she smirks at me. "We decided to make the voice feminine as the studies show that you listen more to women than you do men, and put in some specific for Alice to do if you do not follow a command."

I shake my head in disbelief at what had happened to me and then look at the commander. "What do you want me to do," I ask her.

She looks at me for a moment then says, "You should remember some of the things from your old life and so we want you to interrogate someone for us."

I know who she's talking about, the girl who tried to kill me, but I couldn't let her, not yet at least. Not until I knew all she knew about the other reality and I could see if they were hostile or not, something I could not do if they were watching behind me. With those thoughts in my mind I started making a plan, forgetting that Alice could hear what I planed.



Hey guys and girls. Things are heating up now as now you know the newest addition to the book, Jax. Tell me what you think of her so far. I hope you like the newest addition to my book and hope you will continue reading this book. Please like, comment, and follow.

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