● Seven Alien Poet ●

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Prompt: Purpled is writing poems about his friend, able to grasp them as they listened to him say the poem he'd written

AU: Alien Poet

Timeline: Snowchester

He was struggling to find the words he truly needed for what he was writing. The forest would always hand him ideas but today those ideas stopped, the words slipping his mind. It was difficult to create poems about people, sometimes they'd get offended. "Ugh! This is so annoying!" He ripped the piece of paper out of his notebook, crushing it into a ball before throwing against the ground. "Stupid stupid stupid! Why did this stupid hobby start its so annoying!" He shouts at the trees like they were going to respond. Which they did, in his mind. "Annoying? Huh..." He starts to work around the words. "I'll use a basic starts...like maybe the roses are red and violets are blue just changing it up! Perfect" His pencil starts jotting down ideas for the two lines.

Of course of his friends. They would tease him about his poetry or how he'd insult them in poems, pretend to be offended when they heard them of people. It annoyed him honestly. "Ugh! Tubbo is to honest to...Wait honesty?" The idea start flooding in his head. Taking over his hand to write the perfect poem. Yet the idea leaves his head once again as a bad one.

After some revising and over looking the short poem he needed to say it out loud. "Tommy is red, Ranboo is blue, no...that doesn't sound write" Back to the drawing board. The fighting words of the revision in his head, he thinks he has it this time. "Tommy is red, Tubbo is green, Yet the blue, Is brighter than me" He thought over the first part. It sounded good, like the most of his poems. He just couldn't ponder the next few letter. He had his hope rest in the forest, then again it failed him.

A strong wind came in, creaking the forest. "See forest your just being stubborn" He laughs, starting his next few lines. "The valley creaks? What the hell am I thinking" He frustrated, erases the lines. The light stream of tears followed down his cheek. He was so frustrated with himself. Unable to think of something creative. He let out a quiet sob. He didn't know why this poem meant so much that he would weep over it. "Weeping is stupid of me...Holy shit" The ideas were slowly forming. "The forest creaked! The stream weeps! That's going to be a tough one to explain" Purpled followed the word over and over. Now stuck. The leaves on the trees seemed to taunt him, of his small creation. "The leaves are taunting the masterpiece y'know!" He said to the sky. "I did it again!" He quickly wrote it down before he lost this thought.

He stared at the paper waiting for something else to happen. Nothing did, nothing sent him into a spiral of happiness for the next lines. The more frustration of his own creation made his spiral even more. Almost about to throw the notebook on the ground and give up on the dying poem. He thinks a bit before throwing it, a thought that he forced himself to make. "I'm of frustration? Of my own creation...Thoughts of crying, many only dying" He said, slowly writing it down. "Hi, I'm Purple? Want to meet? Eh, want to meet doesn't quite fit..." He erases the line once again. "I don't quite fit, okay" He seemed to start calming down as he went on.

He thought and thought for what seemed like days that were only hours. The sun was finally setting, he had been there since morning. He wanted to watch but was more focused on his masterpiece. "Neither do you? So, let's be friends. Me and you? Sounds sorta correct? I think I was asked to be friends actually" Erasing the forth line. "That should work on it's own, now for this...next one" He took a deep breath. His head raced to find a starting letter, "A, A...What could I do with a? A color? Like that but something better, like friendship...that would work..." His pencil moved against the paper. "A friendship...friendship strong...You'd had ask, Tubbo asked...I had promised to be friends with Ranboo...Tommy forced us to be friends but why would I change that?!" He laughed at himself reviewing the poem.

"Tommy is red
Tubbo is Green
Yet the Blue
Is brighter than me"

He took a shaky breath.

"The forest creaks
The stream weeps
The leaves are taunting
The masterpiece"

His mind calmed.

"I'm of frustration
Of my own creation
Thoughts of crying
Many only dying"

He started to smile.

"Hi, I'm Purple
I don't quite fit
Neither do you
Me and you"

It turned to a grin.

"A friendship strong
You'd had asked
I had promised
So now stuck forever"

Unknown that hid in the bushed behind him. Figuring out why he hadn't come home. He started laughing, "Fucking finally! Its done oh thank you!" He leaned against the tree, popping his back from being bent over. The rustling from the bushes caused him to grab the dagger from under him, he scanned the darkness behind the tree. Not seeing anything. When he turned back around, shadows met his feet. He felt the lump grow as he looked up, it groaned. Then it lunged for him, he sent the dagger right through its head. "Fuck, the monsters are coming out already?! But its da- Fuck" He finally realized it was night time. He ripped the dagger out of the Zombies head, grabbing the notebook and running.

He just kept running dodging any arrows flying his way. He was able to reach the snowy biome, able to see the Snowchester mansion up ahead. Yet the skeletons were everywhere. "So, many..." He just hoped he wouldn't cause a cross fire that he became squished in. Though he wasn't caught in cross fire, a arrow ripped his hood off clean. He slammed the door close on his way in, panting as he slid along the door to the floor. "Purpled?!" The voice called out, the one that got closer and closer. "Yeah?! I'm here!" He let out a nervous laugh as he stood up. "You were out for so long! We got worried" Tubbo said dragging him to the living room.

The fireplace was going, Ranboo, and Tommy sat on the couch watching Tubbo drag Purpled. When he stopped he let Purpled fall to the floor. "Explain!" Tubbo demanded crossing his arms. "Well? I was stuck on a poem and really lost track of time, I'm fine though! See no injuries" He stood up spinning around. "Your hood is gone", "Yeah, I noticed that, thanks Tommy", "No problem!" He had that stupid smile that made anyone else smile. Thought Purpled tried not to smirk he couldn't help it. He raised the notebook which had a hole through it. His mind set blank as the other three started to become concerned. They'd had just bought him the new notebook. "GOD DAMNIT!" Purpled threw it at the fire. The sparks flying upwards luckily. He watched it burn before sitting on the couch saying nothing. Absolutely nothing. "Did you remember it?" Ranboo asked, Tommy only snorted. The rest got the joke that went through his head however Purpled didn't smile.

Purpled sat content, as he remember each line he made to perfection.

"Tommy is red
Tubbo is Green
Yet the Blue
Is brighter than me"

"The forest creaks
The stream weeps
The leaves are taunting
The masterpiece"

"I'm of frustration
Of my own creation
Thoughts of crying
Many only dying"

"Hi, I'm Purple
I don't quite fit
Neither do you
Me and you"

"A friendship strong
You'd had asked
I had promised
So now stuck forever"

Purpled finished calmly. Not overthinking any line of it. "That's beautiful" Tommy mutter so quietly that only Purpled heard. He suppressed a laugh from Tommy's comment, soon facing him. Tommy's eye went wide, noticing he said that out loud. "Thanks, it means a lot" He softly smiled. He knew his friends would never leave him. They knew he wouldn't leave them.

HELLO, BERRIES! I got so distracted by my wife but so worth it! This took so much longer, I revised the poem while making it! So, it was an adventure!Love you all my Ender Berries! Have an amazing time reading!

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