● Fifteen, GenderFluid Cat ●

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Enderchest is genderfluid and will wear rings showing their gender that day, or just wear a bunch of rings and identify as any.

Pink, female
Baby Blue, male
Red, Demigirl
Blue, Demiboy
Yellow, Nonbinary

AU: CasinoBoo, Tubee, and TNTinnit [Who well call Tommy, Tubbo, and Ranboo for the sake of my memory]

TW: Homophobic Slurs ^ Homophobic ^ Planning Of Murder ^ Slurs

[Sorry not Sorry] This is also more facing Enderchest [Their 12]

Nothing of nothing is always something of something. So, when Ranboo was rolling his dice on his next victim to play with he heard his door bust open. It was Tommy of course, "Ayo! There is a big game downstairs its getting heated" the boy smile a salute then left back to the game. So, Ranboo leaves the dice and heads for this game Tommy most likely will waste his time with.

But he wasn't wasting his time this time. It was a very heated game, one throwing a lot of hate to the other player who hadn't said a word. The hood couldn't shadow the strong glow of their golden eyes seeping through.

Since he was quite interested he stayed around. Quite disliking the saying of the man.

His boiled of anger as this long ass game continued, "Show your face dog water! Bet the acne of some pimp like you is worse than dead parents!" The man said as the hand went to a draw again. "Are you mute or something?! A faggot probably some retarded reason" the man continued to spout random things that weren't true. The other player took it more of a man then the guy screaming at them.

Then it happened, the loud cheering ringing in everyone's voices, the bets of winning and losing, and the lost the man had won. The other player let their sly smile into the light.

They flew their head back, their hair falling to the side, the small pony tail that hung high, the jet black had a rainbow hint of a ravens wings, their cat like ears popping out from the sides, and the pale skin glowing dim within the light.

The man stared at them. "You are a faggot" they said. The cat like person didn't say a word. They hadn't said a single word since they got here. The man continued to throw things at them but was stopped by Ranboo. "Leave" he demanded pushing the guy away from the table. "We don't deal with fights here, you wanna fight them do it outside of the casino" so the man stormed off. Ranboo went to his office and everyone cleared the area except Tommy.

Tommy was really hyped by their winning. "That was so cool!" He boosted to them, "You let him dig a giant hole it was so fucking awesome!" Tommy was jumping up and down at them. "Oh, thanks" Tommy got even more excited but then it went down. "Wait? Ender?" He whispered. "Y-yeah?" They help up their hand. A pink ring sat perfectly on their middle finger. The swirls of the gold blending with pink. "Was that you first game here?", "Yeah said I couldn't stay without playing, won about three million dollars though, I'd say I did pretty good," She said.

The two walked around the casino looking for a Café that wasn't to busy. They found a bakery that had just opened there and decided to check it out. They walk in to the newly opened bakery, it was obviously pride themed. "Hello! Welcome to Pride Bakery how may I be of service?" A girl walked out with dark chocolate hair, bangs dyed blue, a colorful rainbow apron, a black shirt, and a tray of samples. "Just looking for now!" Tommy said.

The girl seemed to have been looking for someone mumbling under their breath. Finally a guy walked in with the fear in his face. The girl wanted to give him a piece of her mind but shoved it out since they had customers. "I'd like the genderfluid cookie please, hot chocolate?" She questioned as she looked at Tommy, "I'll take a coke and a rainbow cookie" He paid. "Hey! Tulip?", "Yeah?" They couldn't hear the rest of the conversation. They got the cookies and left, going to Ranboo's office. However they had switched the rings to a solid red one. 

Tommy burst in like he usually does with the other following them. "Enderchest is here" Tommy announced to their father, and dad. Apparently Tommy should've checked to see who was in the room. "Hey" Enderchest quickly hid the ring in their pocket. "Ender! How'd ya get in?", "Beat some guy won bout three million" The sly smile returning. "Damn ain't she just getting your skills!" Tommy snickered. "She?" Tubbo questioned looking at Enderchest. Ranboo sighs, "You know, Tubbo will accept you no matter what? You have Eret, Karl, and Niki", "Oh, wait you mean I wasn't supposed to know..." Tubbo looks over the room. Yeah, he wasn't supposed to know but did anyways because Ranboo forgot about keeping it a secret. 

That's how Enderchest got the acceptance of his whole family. Even Michael is using the ring system to help Enderchest. Honestly adorable.

Hello, Ender Berries!

Wasn't this wholesome?Oh, why this is only the beginning!Hehe, angsty!

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