● Twenty-Four, Parents? ●

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Au: ParentsAU
[But mine has just a lot more- pact in because I like torturing myself]

Okay, so basically you have Purpled with his twins! Allie and Dove both chicken hybrids, Tommy with Clementine and Shroud, Ranboo with Enderchest and Enderpearl, and Tubbo with Spins. Spoons, and Spuns! Squeeks and Micheal is in this but is shared custody with Ranboo and Tubbo I mean so are the other 4 mentioned but- yknow just fucking read it ^^♡ JUST TAKE THE ORIGINAL IDEA!

Also, Phil knows Ranboo and Tubbo had kids. Ranboo had 3 and Tubbo had one but unknowing of the rest :> aka, Micheal, Enderchest, and Enderpearl!


The clouds would settle in the sky. Thin to the ends and less transparent in the middle.

The place where all belong, where wrong can be right under the right reason. - ###

Everything was mellow. The flowers settled into the dirt for the fall. The leaves would pile under there trees to become the healthy soil the trees made

Some people had other plans with those leaves and the trees didn't quite mind. After all trees don't have feelings.

You could hear the children's laughter from the sky. The crunch of the leaves every time they stepped on one.

Just a trail of kids behind the four more older children guiding them. Some were shy but still giggled at the others.

A couple were holding hands whilst skipping behind the teenagers.

The lingering ones just stuck close.


They all soon arrived at the leaf pile. Piled to the highest they could do and not scared the little pumpkins. They all knew what to do.

They did it every year.

The little pumpkins all jumped in.

They all sprung up in fits of laughter. For once the teenagers felt like kids and joined them. For once they felt alive.


Unknowing of who was watching them.

"Didn't know they had kids, you?", "No clue mate no clue..." his tone of sadness for not knowing his son didn't trust him enough to tell him about his own kids.

"Phil," he pointed to the rings on their fingers, "their also married."

This gave Phil a smile. "At least he's happy..." he sighed spreading his wings. "Lets go mate." He grabbed the arms of the other person.

Then flew to the skies however ol' Phil had a trick up his sleeve this season.

Phil dived down right by the pile. Getting the other person to their feet and Phil was a landing expert.

All the children noticed. All ran behind whoever was closer. Well except for a couple.

A little zombie piglin boy went to Phil, same with the two black cat twin girls.

He held them close for a few moments before letting go, so they could go back to they're parents.

The four older boys walked over to the adults.

"Phil? Watcha doing here?" The strawberry blonde asked his dear father Phil. "I came back for memories but your making new ones." He had a small smile.

"Then what is he doing here?" The boy didn't bother looking at them only went for a hidden dagger under their shirt.

"I forced him to come, I promise he won't hurt any of them, after all aren't they part of the family?", "Phil they aren't blood related!" He argued.

"So? Neither are any of you but I still think of you guys as my kids Techno" the dagger side glare at Techno wasn't a joke this time.

The other four made sure the children weren't seeing this. It was to late to make them stop.

"We should introduce our little pumpkins shouldn't we?" They nod.

Some pair up some are single.

"Enderchest and Enderpearl! Black cat twins, I was surprised I found them alive to be honest!", "Ranboo!", "ah!- I'm glad I have them!"

"Spins, Spoons, and Spuns! The be triplets." The bee boy flutter his wings in excitement. "To sum it up, Tubbos bee bundle" Tubbo nods fast and violently.

"This is Micheal and Squeeks!" Ranboo and Tubbo said together.

"Shroud and Clementine!", "Aka Fluffy trio!" Tubbo giggled while the boy gave him a death glare. "Come on Tommy it was good!" The other begged to differ.

"Dove and Allie twin chickens." The blonde said blandly. "Purpled you could be a little happy.", "No."

That was them all, all eleven little pumpkins.

Though everything seemed much better in Phil's mind.

"Well, would you guys like some hot chocolate?" Phil asked.

"Sure, it is getting a bit chilly", "Well for very few of us."

Tubbo and Purpled turned to see Tommy folded around all the singles. Ranboo was keeping Micheal warm with his tail.

Tommy saw Tubbos slightly pissed off but amused face.

"I guess we can have hot chocolate just be glad it isn't close to dinner" Tommy threatened.

"Calm down mother bird" Purpled joked starting to follow Phil and Techno.

The other would catch up in no time. The bee bundle flew around them and they walked.

Then the three others able to fly joined the bee bundle. Allie and Dove stuck with Purpled seeing as they couldn't quite fly around, they were to scared to.

Tommy and Clementine just flew around nothing really extravagant.

Ranboo held the cats hands as they walked with Micheal holding Shrouds hands and skipping with him.

Squeeks was walking beside Purpled and holding his hand.

Soon Allie and Dove would reunited with the ground and hold hands while walking in between Ranboo and Purpled.

The family would soon get the famous hot chocolate.

Hm, warm and sweet.


I hope I warmed your hearts.
AHA IVE FOUND AN UNUSED IDEA, even though it ain't all the dsmp pets or children aren't there thats fine.

Anyways I have to go to hell see you next time Berries!

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