Chapter 2

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A/N: Hola again! I put this chapter up really fast because I like the idea of the storyline. Anyway, you know what would make a lil author named SpanCargo REALLY happy? If you you vote and comment on her story! Yay! So please do it! It will also make narwhals come closer to speaking with humans! So do it for the narwhals!   -Cargo :D


            The scientists were poking and prodding me with their sharp utensils. I didn’t know what was going on. At the time I was only 3 years old. I squint up at the hanging light, trying to see the faces that were hurting me. I was wide awake when they cut me and injected a strange liquid into me. I would scream out in shock and agony as a new wave of experimenting went on.

            Once the day ended, I would lay on the metal table unable to move. Tears wouldn’t fall only because I was too exhausted. If I had a shred of energy I would try and use it to escape. Get away from the needles and all of the knifes. I would strain my ears to catch any bit of conversation that I could so that I could figure out why they wanted me. I never figured it out. By that time I was terrified of the smell of hospitals or labs; medicine, people, wounds, blood, all of that.

            One day a lady in a white jacket forced me to my feet after being strapped to a table for weeks. She made me run laps and go through training courses; she shoved me toward climbing walls and would make me do thousands of pushups in a minute. All she ever said was ‘do this’ and ‘do that’. But one day she let it slip that I was ‘being made into the most indestructible person in the world’ her words, not mine. I still never comprehended.

            When I turned six they let me go. I went home and cried to my mother. All she ever knew was that I disappeared, but when I told her my story she told my father. And then every night I would listen to them whisper to each other in the kitchen, about how this republic was unreliable, when they thought I was asleep. Days later troops came and shot my parents down, the man in charge kept telling me that ‘they knew something that they shouldn’t have’. I knew it was something about me and how the scary people experimented on me.

            That night, in my cell, I escaped by the skills I learned while the mean lady trained me for something I didn’t know. I grew up in the streets and of course the people tried to find me, but they never succeeded. I ran away every time, and when I was finally old enough, I started to commit crimes.

            The thing I never thought twice about though is that I faintly remember seeing a boy in the lab, having the same thing done to me, done to him. We would somberly stare at each other, pleading for help from the other. We never did help each other… and those ice-blue eyes haunted me.

            My memory turns into a nightmare and I sit up in a flash, breathing hard. I swing my head around and I panic, where am I? Yesterdays events rains down on me and I remember the strange boy, the boy I think is Jayce. I try to stand, but a hand pushes me back down. By that time I smelled the thing I feared: blood and medicine. I look up and I see the boy staring down at me. Then I look down at myself to see a big bandage covering my side.

            I slowly look back at the boy with an unspoken question, he answers. “We were too close like you feared. The shock blew up the radio towers and buildings; a pole from one of the towers came and went straight through you without even slowing down. It was pretty nasty, but I cleaned it and bandaged it. Oh, and also nobody died, some people got hurt, but you know how that goes. Also the Dictator got pretty squashed from the wall that collapsed on him, but unfortunately he still lives and is already walking around.” He sighs, “What else? Oh, yeah. Hello, nice to meet you.”

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