Chapter 7

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A/N: Heyyy :) Okay, FINALLY someone voted for the next chapter (I've waited for 4 weeks--FOUR WEEKS PEOPLE  ;~; ) Anyway, here it is, nice and short.  I'm going to put a halt on the vote thingy for a couple days (-_-)  and I plan to put up Chapter 8 tomorrow (and maybe more if I feel up to it *wiggles eyebrows*). OH! And this chapter is dedicated to BehindASketchBook97, because she was actually wonderful enough to be the person that voted for it :P So here it is girly, like you asked, and just 'cause I put a halt to the vote thingy that does not mean stop voting! Please Vote/Add/Comment/etc and make meh happy! :D DO IT FOR THE NARWHALS!!! AND WATERMEON! AND WHATEVER ELSE YOU LIKE!!! Love ya!    -Cargo ;)


            Why was she talking about a freakin’ unicorn?! I tighten my grip on her legs and push myself to go faster. And why didn’t she ever write on her pad that she could speak, but haven’t in a long time so she doesn’t want to?!

            I glance over my shoulder and see the group of angry people two blocks behind me. They were really angry! What in the world could this girl of done to piss off that big of a crowd?! Another one of her secret talents, I think bitterly. I turn back to the front and that is when I jolt with the realization that I can’t just bring these people to one of my safe houses, it defeats the meaning of the name! I need to get out of there line of sight so I can sneak into the building without them knowing which one it is.

            What did she mean that she was ‘sorry for lying to me’? What lie? Her name? Her voice? STOP! Think about that later, Jayce! Right now we need to just get to a safe place. Wow, I have a lot of conversations with my mind. Anyway, I turn right into an alley that I knew opened up onto a street the apartment was near.

            I skid onto the street and narrowly miss tripping over a homeless man. He was asleep so thankfully he won’t be able to tell the mob where we went. Usually I take in homeless people for a while, but right now was not a time to stop and chat about how nice I am.

            I turn onto the correct street and I stop abruptly to see soldiers checking the street for people to harass. Sadly, that is their pass time and is what they do for fun. I turn around and try to make it to the corner before they see us, but my luck is just so wonderful and we get spotted.

            “Hey, you, what you got there?” A bald soldier yells to me. I sigh and turn around to walk over to them.

            “Just my little sister that fell asleep as we were walking home. She’s exhausted.” I breathe out a lie.

            “This is your sister?” Baldy inquires.

            “Yes, that is what I said. And if you don’t mind we really should be getting home now.” I say as politely as I can while my teeth are clenched.

            “You two look nothing alike.”

            “I look like my father, she looks like our mother. You know crazy genetics and stuff.” I am itching with worry, because I know the mob should be way closer now.

            “Ah,” says Baldy, not quite believing me, “Well your mama ought to be hot because your sister is smokin’!” He and his friends burst out laughing. My face darkens and I draw Eve closer to me as if to save her from their nasty breathing.

            “Oh, look! We got an angry older brother now!” A pipe skinny man yells, laughing more.

            “Thank you for the compliment, but I’m leaving now.” I start to walk around them but they block my way, “Excuse me, you’re in my way.” The bald one opens his mouth to say something, but is silenced when we hear shouting behind us. The mob.

            “What the h-” Pipe starts.

            “What’s happening?” While the soldiers are watching the mob I carefully and quietly scoot around them and dash down the road. The apartment was right in front of me and all the guys were rushing forward to help.

            Eve was still out cold and hanging limply in my arms. Zane gets to me first and I yell to him, “Get inside! Everyone IN!” They turn around and rush back to the house, I run in the door last and it is slammed right away and locked. I am breathing very heavily and I lean against the wall and slump to the floor with Eve still in my arms.

            “What the h-” Kyle starts.

            “Language!” Kaleb interrupts.

            “Shut up! Okay. What the heck did you freakin’ do, Jayce?! There is a freakin’ crowd of pissed off people down there and a couple soldiers!” Kyle fixes his speech.

            “The crowd is a compliment from our dear Eve here and the soldiers just got mixed in somehow.” I breathe.

            “Oh. Okay. Well, as much as I love being up at three in the morning, I’m gonna go to bed.” He starts to walk away but then halts and faces me, “Do you need anything?” He had concern in his eyes; that’s my boys.

            “No thanks. I’m going to head to bed soon, too.”

            Louie raises an eyebrow, “With her?” He points at Eve and I flush.

            “No!” I splutter, “Eve is gonna sleep in my bed and I’m gonna sleep on the couch! Gosh, Louie!” Louie grins wickedly and walks away.

            Everyone says goodnight and then it was two: Eve and I. I stand and look out the window, the people were still there, but they didn’t know where I went. Good. Then I jump back when I realize that there was a window. With glass. Wow, that was a fast fix. It was probably Chuck and his over protectiveness. The thing that bothered me though, is that I usually notice that stuff before I even get near it, I noticed when I looked out of it. I was definitely exhausted.

            I scoop Eve back in my arms and carry her to my bed. I lay her down and pull the covers to her chin. She spoke today! She stinkin’ spoke! And she also made a mob of pissed off drunks chase me… eh; the speaking thing is more exciting. Especially since she is Australian! That is just awesome! I leave the room and close the door then I go into the living room and flop onto the couch.

            The last thing I think before I fall into a deep sleep is how the couch felt lumpy.

Sorry, it twas short >.< But remember: tomorrow Chapter 8 or more comes out, so stay tune! And another thing: I actually have a bunch of chapters written already from a LONG time ago, so if my story writing isn't all that updated, that is why. All of this so far, I wrote a long time ago and then I found this site. I'm just slow on uploading and I'm sowy!!! DX Stay tune! Live long and prosper! :D   -Cargo  <( '.' )>#  (I has waffle)

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