Chapter 8

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A/N:  Okay, here tis be!!! :D  Just like I promised! Sorry, can't put up another chappy today, but Chapter 9 tomorrow!! I hope you enjoy! And I know my authors notes are usually long sooo... yeah, this one I promise will be short! Vote/Add/Comment/Love/Eat Cake/Sleep/Snore/CHICKEN/etc!!!! Do for thy fellow narwhals, DO IT! ;)     -Cargo :P


            “Hello, Leo. I am your doctor today.” The man in the white coat says to me. My dreams turned from weird, loopy, drugged dreams into nightmares. “Why do you wear a white coat?” I ask innocently.

            He laughs evilly, “So we can see the blood better when we cut you ope-”

            The scene sifts to another nightmare.

            I run into the house with tears streaming down my face, “Mommy! Help me!” I sprint into the living room and spot her hand hanging off the arm of her favorite chair. “Mommy! The evil people let me go!” I grab her hand and move to look at her beautiful face, but when I turn I scream.

            Blood was dried on her face and her skin seemed to be moving, when I look closer I realize the skin wasn’t moving, but all the maggots and bugs were. I take a step back and try to let go of her limp hand, but she suddenly strengthens her grip and my hand is trapped.

            “Daddy! What happened to Mommy?” I shriek, I yank my arm back and her hand comes with me. I scream louder and I bump into something. I spin to see Daddy and he slowly bends down. I gag at his bug covered skin and dead eyes.

            I run out the door and see a familiar man, “They knew something they shouldn’t have.” It was the same man that said that to me in real life. The words ring in my ears and I feel something wiggling under my skin, I look at my hands to see maggots…

            Nightmare shift.

            I wake and sit up with a pounding headache, “Hello, Eve.” I tilt my head to look at Jayce and his face was blank with no emotion. He extends his arm as if to help me up and I take it. Instead of pulling me up gently he yanks me up and spins me so his arm was around my neck.

            “Who are you?” He asks harshly.

            “Jayce,” I choke, “It’s me, Eve, you know me!”

            “You’re not Eve, that’s your fake name. Who are you?” He tightens his grip and I gag from no oxygen.

            “Leo,” I gasp, “I’m Leo.”

            He doesn’t let me go after he gets his answer; he pulls me around and searches my eyes. For what, I don’t know. Then he leans down and softly kisses me. I was shocked and I get more shocked when he pulls away, searches my eyes again, and then plunges my own iron dagger into my heart.

            “It’s for your own good, you have to understand.” He says as I fall to the floor and scramble away from him.

            “W-w-why would you do this?” I hiss and he winces; his eyes fill with sadness.

            “It had to be this way, it was the only way. I had to.” He protests.

            “Monster,” I choke, my vision swimming. Blood was pouring out of my mouth and before I get engulfed with death, Jayce jerks to me. He grabs me in his arms and starts sobbing.

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