Chapter 3

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A/N: Hola peoples! This chapter I wrote very quickly so it may be a little weird... you'll get my gist though so it wont really matter. Also when I wrote this it was a long time ago,  before One DIrection came out, and now when I read over it... I realized I used two 1D names... IT WAS NOT INTENTIONAL!!! I AM NOT ONE OF THOSE PEOPLE WHO FREAK OVER DUDE BANDS!!! I'm strictly Evanescence. Anywho, enjoy! :D  -Cargo


            Right when I steal the bread off of a clueless owner’s cart I practically run back to my safe house. Before I get there I see four soldiers kick open a houses door on the same block. I look at the house beside it that is closer to my house and the door was wide open. No! The soldiers checked the house the girl was in!

            Worry creases my forehead and I sprint to the house. I side-kick the door open and it lands on the floor with a bang. I leap in and my eyes find her sitting on the ground. She turns to look at me and her breathtaking, teal eyes widen. She was safe.

            “Oh, god!” I sigh with relief, “I saw the soldiers checking houses! Are you okay? I didn’t think they would search way out here already!” I stutter to a stop when I see Kyo sitting on the floor beside her, “Oh.”

            Kyo stands up and grins at me, “Hey, bro! You so owe me! I saved this gals butt!” The girl snorts and stands up too. She scribbles something on a pad and hands it to Kyo. He reads it and then feigns hurt by putting his hand over his heart. “Ouch! That burns! That is some strong language there missy!” I still stand dumbstruck.

            Why did the girl write something and hand it to Kyo? How come she didn’t just say something snarky out loud? Stop thinking like that! It is ridiculous! I hardly know the girl! “What is this?” I ask out loud.

            “I was working when she hissed or something and I found her in a vent. Good thing I’m on your side or she would be in jail or dead.” Kyo says happily.

            “Good to know- hey what does that say?” I point at the paper and Kyo grins again.

            “Why? You jelly?” Kyo laughs at my death stare, “Just kidding! It says how I’m a beep word beep, beep, blah, blah. All the stuff you constantly call me.” I nod approvingly at the girl.

            “Yeah you still are a beep word beep, beep, blah, blah.” I say to Kyo. Again he feigns hurt and I face the girl. “Again, are you okay?” I prompt softly. She nods.

            “Yeah, dude, she can’t talk.” Kyo informs.

            “You can’t?”

            Nod, nod.

            “Oh.” I thought she needed to get used to me before she spoke, no wonder she never said anything to me yesterday and used that pad to ‘say’ something to Kyo. That also explains why she never made a peep when the pole went through her. Seriously, when I watched that happen I was grossed out. The pole went through and she just stood there for a second and then the next she collapsed to the ground. I ran over and she just stared straight into the sky, I thought she was dead, but then she blinked and I saw a tear in the corner of her eye. That was when I found out she was a girl, too. Her ginger hair was fanned around her head and her teal eyes sliced me into ribbons.

            I quickly grabbed her up when I saw the soldiers and falling buildings. I was afraid I wasn’t going to get away in time, but I kept with her because she hadn’t made a sound and I was curious. Anyway…

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