Ending Turned New Beginning.

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One by one, tiny droplets of water slowly rain down from the sky. Softly, each drop fell from grace until meeting a swift end onto the ground. Some lucky droplets, however, never reached the ground as they, instead of landing on cold stones, landed on something- no, someone else. A groan left this person's lips as their once motionless body shuttered and trembled gently. Thin, white phalanges curled into fists as they pushed their body of the uneven terrain. Their body rattled quietly under the rusted armor that barely clung to their frame. Propping on their elbows, heaving even as their chest never moved, they staggered to feet uneasily. With a wavering gaze that fluttered to and fro among the endless sea of gaged boulders and sloping stone walls. Wobbling as they walked forward with all the strength they had in them through the unknown. Stopping only at the sound of splashing underfoot. Quietly, they gazed down at the puddle, only to be greeted with a mangled face of flesh and bone.


This is (Y/N) (L/N). And she was dead.


-Somewhere over the Atlantic Ocean, 08:35 P.M.-



(Y/N), wake up....




Blonde hair pulled itself back as two hands clasped at their nose with a yelp. Narrow eyes squinting as they rubbed the bridge of their nose.

"What the hell was that for (Y/N)?!" Cried the man beside you, coddling his face as if the slap his seatmate had given him was instead a brutal punch. Said seatmate merely groaned at his overreaction, sluggishly bringing an arm up to rub at their dropping eyes. Tired, unamused eyes fluttered open as (Y/N) glared down her 'friend'.

"Maybe that'll teach you to not scream into a sleeping person's ears in...-" she pulled down her sleeve, staring down at a well-worn watch, "- 8:30 in the damn morning!".

The blonde simply puffed his cheeks up and huffed, turning his head to the left and began to mumble under his breath. (Y/N) rolled her eyes at him again as his lifted herself from the relaxed position she was just in within her seat. Surveying her the empty lane to her right as other passengers on the flight either slept or whispered among one another. The roaring hum of the plane engine outside caught her ears as she leaned closer to the seat in front of her, staring past her friend to see a starless night in the tiny window.

(Y/N)'s eyes flickered to her friend before a sigh left her lips, "How long was I out for?".

"'Bout three hours, I think." He grumbled, turning slightly to stare at her in the corner of his eye, "The pilot said we'll be arriving in Calgary in a few hours.".

(Y/N) nodded at his answer, looking back at the dark rows to her right as she felt a thud to the back of her seat. An eye twitching as a rhythm of thuds began to assault her chair. 'Great~... Guess I'm not going back to sleep,' She though as gripped the arms rest for support. Tired eyes roaming until they landed on her backpack next to her feet. As if a light had went off in her head, (y/N) reach down and pulled her bag to her lap to rummage through it's contents.

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