Mountain King

286 19 14


-Armed Nation of Dwargon, Kiajin's Workshop (Exterior) ??:?? ??.-

 Trying to find a single shop within a busy and overcrowded city with the limited instructions from an entity nearly 1/4th for own size was, shockingly, really freaking hard.

 Adding the fact (Y/N) had never been here before and had only seen brief shots of the city in the manga and in the anime; it was almost inevitable that (Y/N) had gotten lost half-way through the journey to reach the blacksmith. Percy was hot on her heels as they ran, not wanting to be left behind just minutes after he was born. The two skidding to a stop in front of their desired building. The blacksmith in question, was a small building, with boxes filled with coal and other materials and a single pipe embedded in the wall reaching up to barely touch the rooftop. A worn and chipped sign, one with a sword and an axe etched into the rusted iron sign.

 As (Y/N) opened the wooden door she was greeted to the music of clashing metal on metal and a thick, heavy smoke from a roaring fire within the depths of the building. A cluster of dwarfs were hard at work, racing across the floor with tools in hand, a few large crates to the side open and ready to be filled. Stepping further into the dim home (Y/N) could now make out the forms of Garm, Dord, and Myrd; as they helped Kiajin packaged a dozen of shinning swords into shipping boxes. Looking off to the side of the busy blacksmith (Y/N) see Kaido and Rimuru watching the blacksmith work. The slime ball was perched onto a set of boxes on the far side of the room close to the door, the man in question was already bouncing at the sight of his companion's arrival.

 "(Y/N), (Y/N)!!" The slime called hopping in front of the undead as soon as she fully stepped into the room. "You got to see Kiajin's work, It's so cool!". The zombie tilted her head and waved at Kaido as she watched her companion towards her, the slime gesturing towards a wall with many weapons hanging on a rack. Swords, axes, mace, and amour was proudly displayed and glowed with a strong aura of magic. The heavy metallic clanking paused briefly as a man with light brown hair and a hat with smithing googles resting on his head, turned towards the newly excited slime and their new visitors.

 "Oh, is she that friend of yours you were talking about earlier?" Kiajin asked as he placed the swords he was holding in a crate. This drew (Y/N)'s attention as she turned towards the older blacksmith, a friendly smile on her face. "I hope it was good things.".

 "It was. Him and Kaido wouldn't shut up about you." Kaijin laughed as the named two sputtered and corrected him. The smith picked up a hammer and begun to nail the lids onto the crates, "Let me finish up and then we can head out.'.

 "Out?", the ghoul paused as a shudder crawled up her back. 'I forgot they went to a bar after this...' the ghoul blanked as she could her Garm, Dord and Myrd cheer Rimuru in the background. Soft fabric shifted behind (Y/N) as Percy ever so slightly closer, making little distance away from the cheering men, his movement caught (Y/N)'s blue companion's attention.

 "Hey (Y/N) who's that behind you?" inquired the slime.

 Glancing over her shoulder (Y/N) replied, "This is Percy, he'll be tagging along with us back to the village.".

 "Oh? Okay... Cool, nice to meet cha!" there was a strange lilt to Rimuru's voice that (Y/N) wasn't expecting. It was forceful and lack most of his typical happy-go-lucky charm that bled into anything he said or did.

 [Uh oh~! Someone's jealous]

 'Not now please Emporium.'.

 [What?! I just feel the need to tell ya' that!]

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06 ⏰

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