The Kingdome under the Mountain

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In all honesty the Hobgoblins and the Direwolves had adapted to their new lifestyles far quicker than (Y/N) was originally expecting.

Having taken Rimuru's teachings and ideas in like a sponge to water, many taking a liking to their newly assigned roles over the course of a single day. Platforms were built atop of trees for scouts to watch over the territory as groups of both the goblins and wolves worked with one another to harvest as much of the flowering fruit off the trees that their arms let them carry. A larger, separate pack of wolves were dedicated solely for hunting game and other sorts of fresh meat for everyone. The packs' latest achievement was the body of a particularly large deer with moss growing on its fur and massive, off-color vines from its antlers. It was a great success for the group.

The same, unfortunately, could not be said for the other two groups Rimuru made for the main plan of, 'Food-Shelter-Clothing', of theirs.

(Y/N) could only stare blankly was the rickety house was constructed before her. Rimuru, whom was being held in the lovingly gentle hold of Ranga, could only watch in dismay as the 'building' shuttered against a light breeze. Maybe if (Y/N) looked hard enough she could hear the slime's mental agony of a hundred general contract workers screaming in pain.

"I wouldn't call that a house," were the only words that left the blue blob as the two hobgoblins stiffened; Rigurd with sweat rolling down his face, and Rigur's face flushed darkly.

'Maybe I'm being a little too dramatic here...' the zombie lolled her neck as the house swiftly collapsed under its own weight.

"This is most embarrassing." Rigurd shamefully admitted. "Forgive us." his son added sadly.

(Y/N) had to pry her eyes off the giant pile of wood the group of builders were fumbling over to look at the embarrassed leader. "To be fair, proper housing wasn't really all that important as survival was to you prior to evolving. What I'm a little more focused on is the clothing,-".

(Y/N)'s eyes wandered over to Haruna, who was off to the side happily watching and waiting incase Rimuru or (Y/N) needed any assistance. Her 'assets' were left mostly free to view and bounce as they pleased. "-Or lack thereof..." the undead could feel her blood pressure rise as the squishy, and puntable body of her slimy friend turned a lovely shade of bubblegum pink.

"I-I think they're a little too revealing!" Rimuru squeaked out, but still refusing to take his eyes off happy goblin. "That's not necessarily a bad thing, but...".

'How far are you willing to die on this hill slime? Because right now I'm looking at this really nice-looking tree that's reminding me of a football post right now.' The zombie glared into the distance at the apply mentioned tree several yards away from the group. The slime swiftly awaking from whatever strange, perverted dream he was in to tear his sights from the goblin girl to look towards Rigur.

"There is no one here with the skills to make them. Most of what we had we got from trading.".

"Trading?" the slime echoed.

"Yes. The few we have attempted to trade with were quite skilled, besides clothing, so they may know how to build houses, too." Rigurd rubbed at his chin before turning to face the two monsters.

"At the rate were going now we'll get nothing done, let alone done right. What was the place?" (Y/N) chimed in as if she wasn't fitting back every cell in her body to make any reference towards the small, classically hard-headed metal workers and their frightingly overpowered king.

"The dwarves, from the kingdom of Dwargon." Rigurd answered seriously. Rimuru's 'eyes' seeming to sparkle at the mention of the previously fictional race.

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