Dragons, Zombies, and Slimes, OH MY!

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-Unknown Cave, ??:?? ??.-

 (Y/N) huffed as she lifted herself onto the narrow ledge, wheezing as she rolled to 'relative' safety with a loud 'CLANK!'. The sound of rocks against metal grinded into her 'non-existent' ears for what felt like the hundredth time today. For the past few hours, it could have been days really, (Y/N) had been traveling deeper into the cave. Climbing past overhangs, dodging falling stalactites, facing vicious monsters, and other challenges as she went further and further down. 'At this rate, I might reach the lowest level in a couple hours... maybe.' (Y/N) mused as she climbed back onto her feet and continued her trek forward; avoiding large rocks and sidestepping potholes along the way.

 Despite what she had original though when she woke up, the cave was beautiful in an eerie sort of way. Boulders and odd formations covered the ground and walls, creating plateaus for plants, crystals, and smaller creatures to live on. Ranging from various shades of grey to warm browns and beige. Strange plants grew within the cracks in the earth; some where rather large, which aloud her step onto them with ease. Others were thin and sported bright colors of mint and fuchsia. Flowers, weeds, mushrooms, moss, and ivy were in abundance on this floor especially. Funny, seeing as the deeper (Y/N) traveled downward the heavier the air seemed to get.




 Her footsteps echoed. It was silent throughout the entirety of the hike save for the occasional sound of flowing water or a snarl from some unknown beast further into the darkness. Tired eyes gazed around the cave, realizing that she can notice the minuet features of other vegetation clinging onto the ceiling nearly fifty feet above her. 'Hey Emporium, how am I able to clearly see in the dark? Shouldn't everything be pitch black...' She asked.


[It is due to your Intrinsic Skill: Nightvision. All lesser dead have it~.]

'Lesser Dead? Is that what I am...? How can I die and still be dead here!?' (Y/N) shouted at the voice, a frown pulling her lips. Briefly, she felt as if the voice flinched.


[Don't go shooting the messenger!! You did asked to be a corpse during your retrieval here, and your request was granted. If your gonna blame anyone, blame yourself~.]

 (Y/N) paused her walking, clenching her eyes shut and slowly exhaled at the voice's snippy answer. 'I'm arguing with a voice in my head. That's a new low even for me...' she groaned. Pressing forward, (Y/N) hopped over a small stream as the cave began to subtly get brighter as small, colorful crystals began to poke out of the earth. 'Can you bring up my stats then, I wanna know what I have to work with.'

[Of course~]

[ -Name- N/A.  -Race- Lesser Undead (Human).]

[-Protection- N/A.  -Rank- A.  -Title- N/A.]

[-Other-Worlder- Yes.]

[-Former Name- (Y/N) (L/N)]


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