Bad Dogs get put in the Timeout Corner!

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 "Th-the Direwolves!!"

                                              "This is terrible!"

                                                                     "We're done for!"

                                                                       "We'll be eaten!"

                                                       "Let's run!"

"But where!?"

 Panic ran rampant among the small village as men, women, and children alike cried with fear at the approaching demise. (Y/N) pulled back the cloth door as Rimuru hopped out to confront the fear-stricken goblins, the undead following close behind him.

 "There's no need to fear." Rimuru's voice rang above the crowd as they all turned towards them.  "We're going to defeat them.".

 The elder goblins' face opened in surprise at the declaration. "Y-you mean..."

 Rimura glanced at the surrounding goblins as (Y/N) nodded. Taking in a deep breath (Y/N) proclaimed, "In lieu of the Storm Dragon Veldora, we, Rimuru and (Y/N) Tempest, shall grant your wish!".

 Tears were gathered in the eyes of the village elder as he, and the entirety of the village got down to their knees and bowed. Each one singing praise of thanks and gratitude towards the duo. "Thank you so much! We are your loyal servants, Lord Rimuru and Lady (Y/N)!". The other goblins following after their elder in praise.

 (Y/N) glanced down at Rimuru who gazed at the goblins with all the confidence he has. 'It'll take more than just a promise to fix this mess, but this is simple compared to honestly every other thing this world has to offer.'.

[A new Quest has been accepted, 'Defend the Goblin Village!' Difficulty; Simple]


[What, because it is simple for you. Don't give me that look]


-Goblin Village, ??:?? A.M.-

 (Y/N) frowned in thought, taping her cheek as she tried to recall the storyline. (Y/N) and Rimuru had just split off to cover more ground for the upcoming invasion; Rimuru's first priority was to see to the injured while (Y/N)'s was to priorities defense and weaponry. At least, what's what the slime came up with after the deep dread of peer pressure passed over him and a moral raising speech given to the miniature army of monsters before them. 'Even if I have no idea how to make basic weapons or fences...' the zombie sweat at the thought as the lives of very goblin here falls onto their hands.

 'I know the wolves will wait to attack at midnight-ish, that still gives us half a day to plan and make preparations.,' (Y/N)'s eyes swiveled left and right at the crowd surrounding her, more than half of the goblins had stayed with her to help with fortifying and maintaining the frontlines. 'Dire wolves back on Earth were about half as tall as a grown man, here, those wolves would be about as tall as a man thanks to magic. And unlike the dogs, the goblins could never win in a head-to-head battle so close-ranged weapons are out. Bows were the original main line of offense, but magic could work too; however, I don't think these goblins would be able to cast anything strong enough..., or any magic at all really. Javelins might work but will take too much resources we don't have, to just not be reusable.'

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