Heigh Ho! To the Forest We Go!

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-Veldora's Cave, ??:?? ??.-

[An executive decision has been made! The following skill has been purchased:]

[Extra Skill: Greater Healing]

[You now have One Hundred(100) Skill Points remaining.]

'WHAT DO YOU MEAN EXECUTIVE DECISION!? Give me my points back!!' (Y/N) screamed at the voice, dropping a large hunk of rock she was holding. Disturbing the small rock snowman she was building and startling the poor slime who was in deep thought. For the past hour, 'Was it even an hour...?', (Y/N), Satoru, and Veldora have been discussing possible ways to help the aforementioned dragon out of his imprisonment.

'So... What are we going to do about the Unlimited Imprisonment?' Satoru mumbled, his 'face' furrowing as he thought that. 'I don't like the idea of my friend being suck here for three hundred years.'.

 (Y/N) glanced at the pair from her spot, watching as Veldora's eyes soften at the slime's heartfelt words, causing her own lips to tug upwards into a smile. 'I'm not sure... But if either of you have a way to get me out, I'd appreciate it.,' Veldora cast his gaze towards the furthest end of the cavern, 'Th-the thing is... I wouldn't have lasted another hundred years before my magic ran out. I keep losing more and more magicules...'.

'Well that explains why this dungeon is so packed with magic rich materials and strong monsters. They were all feeding off your magic.' (Y/N) chimed in, pushing the rest of her 'rock-man' over and standing up to sit besides the other former human. 'What would even happen when your magic runs out Veldora?'.

 Veldora shrugged, 'It's not a huge deal. I'll just die. That's all.'.

'I... I see...' Satoru deflated, sweat appearing on his body. (Y/N) looked at the two in shock. 'That's all?! You're now just telling us that you've been stuck here for three hundred years alone and that in less than another hundred your going to keel over; And your okay with that!?' The zombie shrieked at the dragon, Satoru deflated even more at (Y/N)'s rant before perking up a bit.

'When you put it like that. 'Might as well try this then.' before bouncing closer to the forcefield and touching it. 'Great Sage, use Predator to consume the Unlimited Imprisonment.'.



'I guess it won't be that easy.' Satoru whined as Veldora clenched his fist, 'See? It's impossible.'.

'Well that sucked...' (Y/N) sighed at announcement in Satoru's head and Veldora's own defeated tone. A lightbulb flickered in her head. Before turning to the slime, an idea coming to her head to speed up the process. 'Hey Slime. You told your skill to consume Unlimited Imprisonment right?'.

'Yeah...?' Satoru tilled his head. 'Can you try consuming all of it instead of just one section.'.

'I don't know, maybe... Great Sage, examine the possible outcome of eating all of Unlimited Imprisonment.'  as Satoru entered his own little world. 

'Hey! Don't just keep talking to your own skill!' The dragon huffed, Satoru's only faint reply was 'Old man.'. Leaving Veldora flustered as his new friend ignored him, (Y/N) now having to calm an upset dragon. 'It's just for a second Veldora, anything is better than nothing at the moment,' 'I know that but I wasn't done talking to him!' Veldora pouted at the girl.

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