Chapter 6: Secrets

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Ayaka returns to her home, Yoimiya lightly kissing her on the cheek as she left and waved goodbye. Lumine comes to the door again, and notices Ayaka's crimson ears. "Now I'm curious. I know your ears turn red whenever something good has happened. Spill the tea!" she exclaims, leading her to her bedroom.

Ayaka sits down, softly kicking her feet. "Uhm... Miya- she kissed me in the onsen today, out of nowhere. It was nice, then I kissed her back, and... oh fuck, it was amazing," she whispers. "It must've been nice if you swore about it," giggles Lumine. "So where do you two plan to go from here? You do realize you have to marry Thoma sooner or later, and I wonder what'll happen then," she asks. "Well, I'm not really sure myself. I'm going to worry about that in the future, for now, I'll enjoy the time I have with her..." replies Ayaka. "Fair enough. Now, let's tuck you into bed," she says, as Ayaka snuggles into her blankets as Lumine tucks her in. Her eyes slowly close, and within 15 minutes, she's fast asleep. A worried expression forms on Lumine's face right after. "How will they keep their relationship alive?" she thinks.

The Next Day

Ayaka is in Yoimiya's room, both of them sitting on her bed. She lay on her bed, sighing. "What's with the sighs, Aya?" asks Yoimiya. "Well, I'm so glad we're girlfriends, it makes me really really happy, but what about the future? What are we going to do? I have to marry your brother in just under 2 months, and I don't want to! I'd rather marry you!" she exclaims, exasperated, before realising what she said.

Yoimiya watches Ayaka go from normal to crimson in just seconds, incredibly embarassed.

"Pfft, thanks, that was a nice boost for my self - esteem! But, I needed to ask about your parents. Both of mine are very liberal and don't mind if I end up marrying a girl or a non - binary person, so it would be fine with them if we married. What about yours?" giggles Yoimiya. "My dad's chill with it, but my mom certainly isn't. Don't know if you ever saw this, but did you see that lesbian couples could have kids together without men on the news? She saw it and was disgusted and said they were disrupting the Archons' Will and how they created humans to be," she mutters.

"But... literally all the Archons are engaged or engaged to people of the same gender! We know that Venti is married to Xiao, the Yaksha, Baal is engaged to Yae, the Guuji and Zhongli is married to Childe, the Harbinger. Does she just ignore that part?" replies Yoimiya, confused. "Pretty much, she says that the newer Archons have mental issues, and only follows the original Archons' Will, even tho two of them were non - binary and had partners as well," says Ayaka, exasperated.

"God, your mother's conservative," says Yoimiya. "I don't even know why, she's like the only person in all of Inazuma that I know of who's like this! Us marrying would give the same result as me marrying your brother, it still unites our Clans," she replies.

"I have an idea. What if, you know when Thoma and you get married, and he asks if anyone objects, I object? I'm sure I could get a wedding dress done for me in two months, it's plenty of time!" exclaims Yoimiya. "Could you really?" asks Ayaka, amazed. "Yeah! I have a really good friend over at Ogura Textiles who I know would be willing to do it for me, knowing her," she replies. "Well, if you really can, then go ahead and try to. I would love to see you in a wedding dress," replies Ayaka, blushing. "Not sure if I'm down for the dress idea. I really wanna try a suit, to be fair. You cool with that?" she asks, looking at Ayaka.  

To her surprise, Ayaka is now incredibly red. "I'm guessing yes, from your reaction of me getting a suit," grins Yoimiya. "Ehe, was it obvious?" she asks. "Mhm!" replies Yoimiya, before tackling the princess in a hug. 

One Week Later

Preperations are in full swing, and Ayaka is ushered non - stop to check every single part of the wedding, from the cake, to the wedding gown and the selection of florals for the reception, leaving her almost no room to catch a break. 

Yoimiya decides to go visit her at her home, and arrives at her carriage. She asks one of the maids if she's seen Ayaka, and they point towards the conservatory. She finds Ayaka in a chair, sweating, completely exhausted. "Ayaka!" she exclaims. "Miya... is that you? God I'm tired, I can't even see straight with all this wedding shit," she replies, sighing. Yoimiya leans forward and scoops up the maiden in her arms. "W-What are you doing?" stutters Ayaka, before Yoimiya shushes her. 

"Shush, I'm getting you out of this, you need a proper break," she says, deftly avoiding the maids and of course, Ayaka's mother, as she runs out of the Kamisato residence. She promptly places Ayaka in her carriage and clambers hastily inside, before asking the woman driving it to take them to Komore Teahouse. 15 minutes later, they reach their destination and they go hand-in-hand inside, where Taroumaru barks at them. They greet him back polietly, and Yoimiya hands over a small pouch of Mora, as Taroumaru leads them to a private tea room. 

Both of them sit down on the tatami mat, as an assistant arrives a couple minutes later with a serving of Sakura Mochi. "Here, some of your favorite," says Yoimiya. Ayaka takes one and feels her energy flowing back into her body."Mmh! This is so good! Thanks Yoimiya, I really needed this," she says, kissing her on the cheek.

Yoimiya turns red, and mutters a, "No prob," as she eats some too. They finish off the plate of Mochi, and end it off with a cup of green tea. "Thanks, Yoimiya. That was really relaxing, specially with you," says Ayaka. "No worries, it seems you're tired out by all the planning so I thought this would be a nice break," says Yoimiya. 


Tatami - A type of mat used as flooring material in traditional Japanese - styled rooms.

Sakura Mochi - Japanese sweet consisting of sweet pink-colored rice cake with a red bean paste center, and wrapped in a pickled cherry blossom leaf.

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