Chapter 10: Objection!

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The bridesmaids go inside, and Ayaka sees them tossing Sakura Bloom as they softly fall to the ground, creating a resplendent pathway. The orchestra heightens in volume and pitch, and Ayaka knows its her time.

The maiden moves inside, her father clutching her arm, and her other hand holding a bouquet of her handpicked flowers.  A sigh of collective admiration is heard from all of the Inazumans at her appearance. Ayaka truly is like a shining star today. 

She sees her father wiping a tear from his eyes as he walks with her. She notices people holding up their Kameras and snapping photos of her as she strides forward gracefully. She joins Thoma at the altar, and Kokomi gives her a secret smile as she begins to speak.

"Dearest Inazumans, we are gathered together here in the sight of the Archons, and in the face of this company, to join together this man and woman in divine matrimony commended to be honorable among all. These two persons present now come to be joined. If there is any person, who can show why they should not be joined together - let them utter their words now, or forever hold their peace," says Kokomi, pausing.

Suddenly, a shout is heard. 

"Me! I object to this wedding! I wish to marry Princess Ayaka instead!"

Yoimiya rushes forward, her face gloriously flush and her hair scraped into a bun, leaving some of her signature strands of coral - blonde hair out, along with some flowers in her hair. She is in a dashing white suit, with a golden waistcoat for flair. She has a Silk Flower in her breastpocket, as well as a glorious golden cape. 

A cumulative gasp is heard from the audience, yet some of them are seen smiling at Yoimiya's entrance. "And your reason being?" questions Kokomi. "Ayaka doesn't actually love Thoma! She loves me, and we've been dating in secret for 4 months. If we get married, we actually get to be with the person we truly wish to be with, and the end result is the same. Both our clans will be united!" she exclaims. Out of the corner of her eye, she sees Ayaka's mother furiously getting to her feet, and rushing over to the girl.

"I will not have this impudence! Were you not supposed to be a bridesmaid, Princess Yoimiya? How dare you insinuate that my daughter, Kamisato Ayaka, the princess of the Kamisato Clan, is in a relationship with you?! That is not possible, she is straight and follows the original Archons' Will!" she shrieks, towering over the blonde. 

"First off, I have a body double. Over there is Fumiko, of the Yae Publishing House. She agreed to assist me in this endeavor for love... and for a bit of mora!" retorts Yoimiya, earning giggles from the people. "Second, you don't decide your daughter's sexuality! Forget all the Archons' Will bullshit, we simply wish to be wedded because we love each other!" she continues. 

"Yeah, let them marry!" shouts someone. "Yeah, who cares if it's straight or not, the Princess loves who she loves!" another person shouts. A unified rally of support is heard. "Yoimiya could say what she wants, but it does not mean it is true! Sangonomiya Kokomi, surely you cannot allow this!" shouts Harumi. 

"Actually, I can. An objection will be taken into consideration if the points are valid. Kamisato Ayaka, do you love Nagonohara Yoimiya?" asks Kokomi. "I do!" she replies, smiling. "What about you, Nagonohara Thoma? Do you love Kamisato Ayaka?" repeats Kokomi. "I don't! This marriage was forced upon us by Miss Kamisato, and therefore is not of my own will!" he exclaims, grinning. "Well, that is a fair objection. Princess Yoimiya, over here. Prince Thoma, please join the groomsmen," chuckles Kokomi. 

"I- You can't allow this, Kokomi! This is against the Archons' Will!" 

Kokomi's eyes flash dangerously. "No, Harumi. You need to mature yourself and learn to accept new things, and the Archons' Will was never even a true thing, it was just made so homophobes such as yourself have some solace in the fact that men and women wedding are the majority. Well, I am the priestess of Sangonomiya Shrine, and I have the final say. The book written by us humans, as Harumi calls it, the Archons' Will, is now invalid and does not represent today's Teyvat. Back to the brides!" she exclaims. 

The people cheer at this proclamation and Ayaka's mother sits down, defeated yet enraged. She shoots daggers at her daughter who is happily oblivious.

"Now, Princess Nagonohara Yoimiya, do you take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for riches, for pooer, in sickness and in health and pledge your love for one another till death do you part?" she asks. "I do!" declares Yoimiya. "And as for you, Princess Kamisato Ayaka, do you take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and too hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for riches, for pooer, in sickness and in healthand pledge your love for one another till death do you part?" she asks, yet again. "I do!" declares Ayaka. "May I have the rings, please?" she asks, and Fumiko hands her a crimson satin pillow with the rings resting on top. 

"May the Archons bless these rings, which you will give to each other as a sign of your love and loyalty."

She hands Yoimiya one, and she slips it onto Ayaka's finger. She hands Ayaka the other, and she slips it on Yoimiya's finger. "May the Archons strengthen the consent you have declared before the Shrine, and graciously bring to fulfillment their blessings with you. I now declare you wives, and you may kiss!" exclaims Kokomi. Ayaka looks at Yoimiya, and tears tumble down her face as the two share a passionate kiss, much to the crowd's cheerful cheers. 

Their bridesmaids, as well as Thoma, Ayato, Ayaka's father, Reiji, Yoimiya's mother, Nozomi and Yoimiya's father, Ryuunosuke all shower the two girls in Sakura Bloom, the Kameras flashing as they smile for the pictures.

Both girls are crying in happiness, and share many more kisses as the day goes on. At the dinner, Nozomi stands up with her glass of sake and proposes a toast. 

"Today has been a truly joyous day. As Yoimiya's mother, I knew that there was something going on between her and Ayaka. I mean, you can't just share constant hugs, handholding and forehead kisses and still call it platonic, can you?" she exclaims, much to the giggles of the people. "I truly am blessed to be here with all of you, and I'm glad she is able to be with the woman she loves. To the unity of the Kamisato and Nagonohara Clans!" she shouts, as everyone raises their glass. 

Ayaka leaves the table to go get more food, and finds herself being stopped by her mother. "Ayaka," Harumi says, in a quiet voice. "Y-Yes?" she replies. "I'm sorry I've been so hard on you, and with the whole Archons' Will now being invalid, I don't have any reason to be homophobic now," chuckles Harumi. "Was it really just because of the Archons' Will?" she questions. "Of course not. Well, when I was your age, I fell in love with a maiden and I probably loved her even more than your father, if I'm honest. I confessed to her and she rejected me, and not long after I had to get married to your father as well. I guess those pent up emotions from rejection manifested as me being a homophobic mother, so I apologize," sighs Harumi.

"Wait wait, you liked a girl?! Holy hell, this all makes so much sense now," exclaims Ayaka in shock. "Pfft, I guess the apple doesn't fall far from the tree, huh? Or however that quote goes. Just know you and Yoimiya have my blessings," remarks Harumi, as she takes her leave and returns home. Ayaka returns to the table and relays this information to Yoimiya, who finds it incredibly amusing. 

After eating, Ayaka finds herself being pulled away by Yoimiya to the rooftop of Sangonomiya Shrine. "H-Huh? What is it, Miya?" she asks, before Yoimiya kisses her, hand in hair and barely allowing the other to breathe, leading to a deep and ardent kiss. "I'm just glad everything worked out, wife," giggles Yoimiya, emphasizing the last word and as expected, Ayaka's face blooms into a furious crimson at her words. 

"Look!" she exclaims, as a firework launches into the sky and explodes, creating a beautiful show of lights. "Specially for us!" chortles Yoimiya.

"P-Please refrain from calling me that too often, I am quite weak to it," mutters Ayaka, hands on her cheeks. "But that's why I call you wife," says Yoimiya, peeling away Ayaka's hands and sharing another kiss, as the night goes on with never - ending fireworks.

The End~

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