The Unforgettable Big Brother [Oculus]

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Fanfic: Oculus | J

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Fanfic: Oculus | J. Todd

Portrayed by: Finn Wittrock

Background: Adopted by Bruce after his parents died and became the first Boy Wonder.

Alias: Nightwing

Age: 29

Current Status: Alive

Eye color: Azure Blue

Hair color and type: Dark brown, cut short from the back but longish at the front.

Skin color: Fair

Height: 5'9"

Love Interest: Barbara Gordon

Hobbies: Used to play video games at the Arcade with Jason, watch him reenact Shakespearean plays, went to the bakeries with Jay since both had a fondness for sweets but all that stopped after the younger's untimely death. Since most of his hobbies involved Jason, it became very hard for him to cope with the loss. But after Bruce adopted Tim, Richard too came out of the shell he had closed himself in after Jason's death.

Personality: The Richard Grayson in this story is pretty much the considerate and sweet elder brother we've seen him as in other fanfics too.

The prominent personality facts about him are as follows:

Has the lamest of Dad jokes up his sleeve.

• Awful sense of humor.

• The person who holds the family together and is on good terms with everyone.

• Missed Jason a lot and though Tim was adopted just a year after Jay's death, he knew the boy could never replace him. But he has an equally trusting and friendly bond with Tim too.

• Excellent observer, one of the very few people who can catch Tim lying to hide his injuries.

• After Tim had been retrieved from the Joker and was very damaged, Richard was the one who took great care of him and is the biggest reason the boy recovered. That's why Tim trusts him more than he trusts anyone else.

• Strong willed and has unshakeable determination.

• One of the strongest Bat vigilantes, once dealt with an entire squad of Assassins on his own without giving up till the very end.

• Favorite adoptive brother is Jason.

• Even though when Jason returned from the dead, he was very bitter towards the family. Still he couldn't bring himself to get angry at Alfred and Richard. Those two in his opinion were too dear to him and he just can't get mad at them.

• He's like the Wayne family's personal therapist. He listens to everyone, tries to help them overcome whatever problem they are stuck in and offers lots of love and comfort.

• Real life cuddly bear. Loves to give free hugs.

• Has a nice singing voice but no one has ever heard him sing except for when he's in the shower. There, he's in full concert mode without realizing that the others can hear him. None of them have told him that so he still believes that his shower concerts are a secret.

• A very capable dancer. Back in his teenage days, he aced pole dancing but keeps it a secret performance for his lovely Babs' eyes only.

• After Jason came back home, he became lighter and happier. It was evident how weighed down he had gotten without Jay even though he always managed to be strong for the others and kept up his cheerful persona.

• He adores Damian but sometimes the boy gets on his nerves and those times are when Richard sets him in his place just like an elder brother ought to.

• Damian listens to him more than he listens to anyone else. Even though the boy respects Bruce, he goes against his word very often. But never once has he done that with Grayson.

• His favorite drink is warm milk with honey. Offers it to anyone who's feeling sad at the moment because he calls it a happy drink.

• Is an absolute disaster in the kitchen but manages not to mess up making his favorite drink and his favorite cereal for breakfast. The worst thing he has ever tried to cook was waffles as he ended up burning the waffles as well as himself.

• Loves his family dearly and can go to any lengths to protect them.

Theme Song: Tightrope by Michelle Williams

Hand in my hand
And we promised to never let go
We're walking a tightrope
High in the sky
We can see the whole world down below
We're walking a tightrope

Origin story: (follows canon storyline hence won't be elaborating here).


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