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Leafless branches holding flowers,

A cloak, a carpet, draped from the sky;

Air adorning a somber, murky veil,

Warmth in winter- A fool's paradise.



That's right.

Its peaceful today.

'Other than your stupid cough, that makes your voice sound like a croaking toad every single time, everything is okay.' 

That's one thing. Its gotten better but, it itches- the inside of my throat. Compared to last few days it only feels like a simple parched piece of cold dry land.


Its not today. 'It's really not.' Though there's some colour and life today.

The trees aren't empty. Every corner is filled and not a single one is lonely. The flowers are pretty. The landscape painted with pure monochrome life. The window seems strained with shards rolling down its sheen... Just like Yuki kun's hair, and my lids hang low, softness sprinkled upon my face.

"How long are you going to keep talking to yourself?" His tattered, raspy voice filled in the space in as I finally had something to focus my forgotten eyes upon.

I immediately tensed. "D-dad? Wha-'' 

He looks at me with a skeptical expression, questions reflected in his eyes. "You, have been talking to yourself, how long are you going to keep doing that?" He repeats while tying his showlaces, slowly with emphasis.


Reply. Reply. Reply. You keep repeating what the hell do I reply with. 


I respond with a very timid "I'm thinking."

"Ah-" -huh?-"Well your mum and I going out to get some stuff for tomorrow... You need anything?" 

Did I ponder that out loud? '

Reply FIRST' and I answer his question with another question "For tomorrow?"

He groans out an explanation. Apparently they're gonna leave behind instant food for me and I will be all alone in the house tomorrow. They are going to my grandparents for a day or two.

To visit my hospitalized granduncle and grandaunt.

"Don't keep standing there and we're locking the house. We're taking the keys along with us too alright-" 


"Y- I mean I got it. Yeah, I got it. I wont open for strangers, not even for relatives other than aunt. Will NOT give anyone your number if they ask for it. I won't open the door for a mail either." I recited all that I have been made to memorize mentally and physically. 

"So we're going. Keep the door locked and open it for absolutely NO ONE you hear me?" He will still repeat these as if he's leaving me alone at house for the first time. 'Parent things.' "YES I GOT IT!!" 

"Don't keep standing there" He mutters before I hear a lock.

A while after their departure, I take in the breezy aroma of my surroundings, attempting to melt, to be drunk in all this cloth, drapings, a padding softness underneath my feet, to blend in the colour of these walls

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