Shattered Suns (Story Idea)

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This is an Empire Shattered Dream book. It's an idea I made like three years ago, and I only completed like two percent of it, so we'll see how it goes, yeah?

Here goes nothing!


Cross is anxious to become a part of the Moon Guard, a group of knights who serve King Nightmare closely. His good friend Killer, who had become one a few months previously, assures him that he'll do fine. Cross is unconvinced.

During the tournament, Cross is outstanding in the arena, dispatching every opponent with ease. To no one's surprise except his own, Cross is accepted into the Moon Guard.

Cross quickly adapts to the pattern of life in the palace, and enjoys his new job. One day, Cross and Dust- the most senior of the Moon Guard besides Error- catch an intruder trying to get into the palace. This intruder has the markings of a Sun Citizen, so they take him to King Nightmare.

This Sun Citizen turns out to be Red, the Underfell Sans, who had formerly worked as a mercenary in whichever Empire could pay more.

When questioned, Red reveals that the Sun Empire is in chaos. Emperor Dream has broken the most sacred rule of the Empire and eaten one of the apples of the Tree of the Sun and Moon. Shattered, as he calls himself, tried to kill his closest friend and advisor, Battalionlord Ink of the Sun Empire.

Whether or not Ink is still alive is unclear.

King Nightmare questions Red's part in this, whether or not Shattered sent him to tell them this.

Red reacts vehemently to the idea of following Shattered's orders. He serves Emperor Dream, he says, not some upstart Nightmare wannabe.

After further prodding, Red tells them that Shattered has forcibly taken control of the Empire. He rules by fear, not loyalty.

Red's motives go beyond simple patriotism, however. Shattered has stated to Emperor Dream's former officials that they were to either accept his rule or die. To Red, a former mercenary with valuable knowledge of both Empires, he gave a "special deal."

Above all, Shattered is bored with peace and cannot resist a game. He has told Red that if Red can make it to King Nightmare's palace and gain the Emperor/King's trust before he gets there, he will call off the impending war and spare the lives of Red's two lovers, Lead Medic Sci and Sir Blueberry. If Red cannot, all of Emperor Dream's former officers will be executed and Shattered will declare war on the Moon Kingdom.

King Nightmare questions whether or not Shattered can be trusted to keep his word, but Red claims he doubts it. Shattered is sadistic, insane, and power-hungry, he says, and he'd sooner enslave a continent than spare an Empire from war and destruction.


And that's about all I've got for that idea! Hope you found that interesting!

Hope y'all have a wonderful day/night, and I'll catch y'all later!

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