Terminal Velocity Longshoot (Headcanon)

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So. Gaster died. We all know this.

But how did he die?

Let's pretend for a second that we're talking about Dadster. Father of Papyrus and Sans. They're all a semi-functional almost not-depressed family. None of this Handplates or anything terrible. Although they could apply, this is just a random headcanon about Gaster. It isn't necessarily about the family dynamic, but I like Dadster.

So. Back to the topic. Dad- I mean Gaster. Fell into his creation and was broken through time and space. In my opinion, creation means CORE.

Gaster falls into the CORE, right? But that doesn't explain how he was shattered into a million pieces. Sure, lava kills people. It doesn't, however, make everyone forget their existence.

Time to enter Science Valley!

So basically, Gaster falls, but a moment before he hits the lava and dies, he hits TVL.

What is TVL? Glad you asked!

TVL stands for Terminal Velocity Longshoot (If that's already a thing, I apologize. I'm no scientist, I just kind of came up with this randomly without any research or anything. Don't take my word as fact). In basic terms, because I don't actually know any unbasic ones, it means falling really fast.

Imagine the universe runs along a wavelength, kind of like light or sound. And that there are several other universes running along different wavelengths. None of the universes interact, because they're all at different speeds, so no one could even tell any other universes existed in the first place. Classic multiversal theory.

Well, basically, TVL is when someone or something moves so fast that they move faster than the speed of the universe, ending up in a different place entirely.

Reaching TVL is actually very, very difficult for anyone other than skeletons. Most monsters, and all humans, are made up of too much mass to reach TVL before hitting the ground and, you know, hospitalization and/or death depending on how high up they were. Monsters that don't have too much mass are ones like ghosts, who just, y'know, float. Only skeletons have both a small amount of mass and the ability to be pulled down by gravity, which means pretty much only skeletons can reach TVL.

Hooray for Gaster.

How does this tie into Skele-dad? Well, stick around, my friend, because I have an answer for you!

Basically, as Gaster fell, he almost- almost, but not quite- hit TVL. Had he been maybe half a meter higher when he fell, he could have hit TVL and would be chilling in another universe, instead of in the Void.

But he didn't. So as he hit the lava and certain death, he was in two places at once, both in his universe and outside it at the same time.

Guess what? The universe really, really didn't like him doing that. The laws of physics are there for a reason, you know!

So to compensate, the universe threw Gaster into the Void. If he never existed in the first place, he couldn't break the laws of physics, now could he?

And... hope that makes sense! It makes sense to me, at least...

Hope y'all have a wonderful day/night, and I'll catch y'all later!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2021 ⏰

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