You're my Alpha Mate? - Pt. 1

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My Second Story; Hope you Liiiiiiiike<3

And in case you havent caught on...its about werewolves lol ><


I was doing what I loved, I was in my form running through the woods and to werewolves, that was one of the best feelings we could get, aside for certain other ones of course. My purpose for this run was to get rid of stress...and anger.

I was cooking and accidently burnt the chicken so my nanny yelled at me, when she does she starts going on and on about how she works so hard to put food on our, my and the other foster children's plates and how I was lucky she was even sending us to school, this and that. Then she did what I hate most, compare me with the 'mature' and 'responsible' 14 year old Jamie, she was just so perfect, I've been in the foster home since as long as I could remember and as for Jamie, she was just there one day and 2 years later is when the comparisons began.

I may only be 17 now, but when I hit 18 I'll become my own guardian and leave that wretched place once and for all.

These woods were new to me and my wolf got a good feeling from them.

Our foster care just relocated to this little town and if I didn't know any better I'd think they were doing it for me because I loved the woods so much, but that wasn't the case though.

It was beautiful, the lush green trees and moss, the rich brown tree barks, the fertile hard ground. I headed towards the sound of water, my instinct told me it was a stream of sorts.

It was breathtaking, so calm and quiet.

Time flew by and before I knew it the sun was already setting, leaving the sky a crimson of colors, I might start to like this town I just hope we wouldn't have to move again.


When I arrived sure enough the first thing I hear is "You are so irresponsible! How can you just run out like that?! We were all so worried! Why can't you be like Jamie-"Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah.

Just endure it, I thought to myself. Just two more years and I'd be out of this hell hole.

So I did what was most easy, I apologized and when she seemed content I went up the old squeaky staircase to my room. I forgot about dinner and just fell asleep into a dream of nothing.


Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep!...

I reached my groggy hand over to shut off the alarm I had pre-set yesterday.

I had to rub my eyes a few times before they could really open and turned to look at the clock "Damn" I muttered to myself and got up at the speed of light, I didn't realize I had laid here an extra 20 minutes.

'Desperate times call for desperate measures' I thought to myself. I hate using my wolf abilities inside the house to do stuff, but if I didn't I'd be late. It's not as if anyone would be upstairs anyway, they were probably all eating breakfast in the Kitchen.

I was done in 10 minutes and headed to the kitchen to join the rest of the kids. Nanny was making pancakes this morning, I admit she's one mean old lady but she sure as hell can cook a great meal.

I sat across from Jamie who had a haughty look on her face, oh how I want to smack it off, permanently.

"Are you really wearing that?" She sneered eyeing my outfit up and down.

I rolled my eyes "Well I can't be like a certain someone and nit-pick my way through goodwill for the slutiest outfits now can I" I snapped at her.

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