You're my Alpha Mate? - Pt. 6

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Muahaha, you're going to hate Cayden after this!!

Oh and btw, this was partially also kind of like a filler to me, i have to admit, i didnt really have any idea what i should write.

I'm also kind of sad, i have to miss track on Friday for a dentist appointment. Poooey!


“Hey Aina!” someone said shaking me. I swapped at their hand “Go away” I mumbled and rolled my face over into my pillow.

Then I felt someone squishing the air out of me “What the hell!” I yelled and try to push the weight off. I heard Damien laugh as he fell to the ground landing on his butt. I sat up and glared at him “What are you doing?!” I yelled. He pointed towards the clock and quickly jumped out of bed.

“Why didn’t you wake me earlier!!” I screamed then I looked around “I…don’t have any clothes…” I told him. He suddenly realized too, “Ops” he said. I sat back down on the bed “Greatttt” I said sarcastically “What am I going to do now?” I asked him.

“There’s a store I know that’s opened all day and night…you might not like the clothes…but unless you want to go back to Cayden’s house and get it…” he trailed off after what he said sunk in “On second thought lets go to the store”

I took a shower and had to wear Damien’s clothes again to get to the store, then I began wondering “Hey Damien, what clothing store opens 24/7? I asked.

He chuckled mischievously “You’ll see” was all he said.

It was silent except for the soft music playing on the radio, so I began to think about Cayden again and decided to ‘open’ up my mind to see if he was still trying to contact me.

‘Aina..Aina..Aina…Aina’ I heard his voice chant over and over again, he sounded like he was crying, his voice was full of…despair.

I can’t stand when he is like this, I have to talk to him in person so I didn’t respond and just turned it ‘off’ again, sighing.

Damien looked over to me “What’s wrong?” he asked. I shook my head because I didn’t want to talk, he got the message and didn’t ask on.

We arrived at a store, it looked grand and right next to it was hotel Rio Amar (Don’t know if that’s a real hotel lol)

I followed Damien out the car and I like he said the store was open, but the clothes there was only one word to describe it and that was slutty, okay maybe two words. Slutty and whorish.

A lady in a black vest and skirt came up to us with a smile “How may I help you today?” she asked eyeing Damien. When he looked at her she gave him a wink. Gross. She was like 40 years old.

Damien gave a smile back but on the side I saw his lips looking a little hesitant. Then he pushed me in front leaving both his hands on my shoulder “We’re looking for something she could wear, something not over-revealing” he said confidently, someone knows their way around here, I wonder how often he came.

The lady looked down at me then eyed me up and down, I heard her give a ‘Hmph’ and said “Follow me” in a really snooty tone. When she turned I chucked fake punches at the back of her head, Damien was cracking up behind me.

We went to the back of the store and she handed me a tight black v-neck and shorts that if I were mistaken could have passed off as underwear. “Do you have any um, longer pants?” I asked. She went off somewhere and came back with long, shiny, tight looking leather or maybe it was fake leather, it had fishnet designs on the alternating, it was horrendous.

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