You're my Alpha Mate? - Pt. 5

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Wasn't expecting that was you? Muahahaha...O.o


Damien POV

She was my half-sister. My grandpa had told me stories of my mom having another kid with a wolf and it was possible, she was 17 and I was 16. A year difference.

I buried myself in research digging up any information I could about her and my mom. I was 97% sure she was my sister, all I needed now was to talk to her.

Sure, I get why Cayden's mad, he thinks I'm coming onto her, but it's not an excuse. He didn't even listen to her explain, just ignoring her. Even though I haven't know her for that long, it somehow still pains me to see her so sad.

I was honestly not afraid of him, since I already knew what they are, I've heard about it from my grandpa.

I should go bring her here, at least I could attempt to cheer her up and hey, she looked happy with my friends yesterday.

So I stood up and made my way to their table...

Aina POV

He's still not talking to me. It's breaking my heart to see him being so cold.

I'm still hanging onto his arm, yet he's not even looking my way.

I can see the pity in everyone's eyes, the worry and excitement to see what was going to happen now and I hated it, it wasn't helping with the situation.

I can't cry. I kept chanting to myself over and over again. It wasn't that effective though.

I looked up and turned away from the stares to see Damien coming over.

He shouldn't see this scene, it wasn't his fault, I don't want him to blame himself.

I let go of Cayden's arm and felt him twitch a little probably from surprise that I had let go, but still he wasn't looking at me.

I sighed and stood up. I got out from the table and was about to head towards Damien.

I was however violently jerked back. I heard it again, Cayden was growling and he was looking right at Damien. I was shocked yet happy that he decided to pay attention to me again.

Damien was still coming towards us, I looked at him with worry, I wanted to tell him not to come, but people would get suspicious.

Cayden got up and stood in front of me "So it wasn't enough for you to secretly meet him, now he's even coming over here" Cayden sneered.

"It wasn't...Cayden, it wasn't like that" I tried pleading and explaining to him but he just kept his eyes on Damien.

I didn't want Damien to get hurt again so I tried stepping out but Cayden pushed me back. The whole Cafeteria was looking at us now, they could feel the tension in the air.

"What do you want?" Cayden said angrily.

Damien stood his ground, he crossed his arms over his chest "I want to talk to her, seeing that you obviously aren't" Damien said not even showing a hint of intimidation.

Cayden clenched his fist and jaw tightened "Oh look, Aina has a stalker now" he scoffed.

I put my hand on Cayden's upper arm. His muscles were hardened. I tried to get up front again but he wouldn't let me through.

"Looks like she wants to get out" Damien said looking at me.

Cayden moved over slightly to block him from looking at me "She's happy where she is, she's happy with me" Cayden said authoritively.

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