You're my Alpha Mate? - Pt. 2

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Seems like he and other wolves alike hides clothes around the forest for situations like these, he wore his pants and gave me his shirt. Doesn't make my bottom any less breezy though.

He was watching me intensely.

I sighed "Can you explain to me?" I asked him a little defeated.

He happily came and wrapped his arms around me, hugging me from behind and even though I didn't know him well, it was comforting, his arms.

"Of course" He started "A mate is pre-determined when a wolf is born, they are soul mates. They have to be close to each other or else we'll feel empty, alone, abandoned and pained. That is if we have met our mate, when we did we made that connection. Some wolves never meet their mates and they could either try to love a human, another mate-less wolf or choose to be single" He told me.

I turned, still in his arms to face him "So if we're not together will either of us hurt?" I asked him curiously.

He nodded and slowly smiled at me.

I was about to say something but he talked first "Come live with me" he said seductively putting his nose against my hair, smelling it.

"I can't" I said softly and for some apparent reason, sadness coating my words.

He held me tighter "But I want you close" he told me sad.

"I have to get back to-" I said trailing off then I thought about what Nanny said, does she even want me back?

"Have to what?" he asked me that sadness still looming in his tone.

I shook my head "Nothing-well actually I might have to take you up on that offer, seeing that my Nanny kicked me out" I said giving a dark chuckle.

His face lit up instantly "Come on then! I want to introduce you to the rest of the pack!" He exclaimed pulling my hands to follow him.

I struggled to stand my ground so when I didn't budge he looked at me confused again "I can't" I said contradicting myself.

His face fell "Why not?" he asked his eyebrows pulling towards the center.

"Shouldn't you tell your boss first? You know, the Alpha?" I asked.

He chuckled "I don't have to, your looking at him" He said happy again, tugging on my arm again.

I was struck dumbfounded, he was the alpha? Of like the pack?

I was walking and spoke at the same time "How old are you?" I asked him.

He looked at me and smirked "18" he replied.  "So young" I muttered but he heard so he gave a little laugh.

We didn't walk that far when we entered a clearing and I spotted a grand house. I also saw some kids playing outside, people sitting there happily talking. All stopped when he entered. Wait, do I even know his name?

I tapped him on his shoulder "Hm?" he made the sound turning around to look at me.

"I never got your name" I told him slightly embarrassed.

He chuckled at that too "Cayden" he said.

So his name was Cayden, it had a nice ring to it. Cayden and Aina...Oh my goshnits! What am I thinking! So embarrassing!

"Alpha" a voice broke me out of thought, I looked up to see the blonde guy from school bowing to Cayden.

"Alex" Cayden said nodding acknowledging the guy named Alex.

He stood up and his gaze met mine "Cayden, what are you doing with the lone wolf?" Alex asked Cayden confused.

"This 'lone wolf' is named Aina and she is my mate" Cayden told Alex proudly.

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