You're my Alpha Mate? - Pt. 8

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Well, here is the last part :D


I can’t believe it’s the end of the school year already. I can’t believe I’m graduating with Cayden tomorrow and I can’t believe I have a family now.

Now let’s not get ahead of ourselves, there are no kids involved.

I felt hands wrap around my waist “You nervous?” His sweet voice whispered into my ear making me shiver.

“Just a little bit” I admitted to him pressing my body closer to his.

He was rubbing the small of my back soothingly.

He smelled like aftershave.

“I know what you’re thinking” he said seductively to me. “Good” I whispered back to him.

Soon we we’re on the bed, I don’t really think we should be doing this because we have to get up early tomorrow and all, but around him, I just couldn’t stop.

So, you can guess what happens next.


“Wake up dear” Cayden shook my lightly. I turned in his arms to face the other way earning a chuckle from him.

“Seriously, you’re going to be late, you can sleep in any time after today. It’s already 8, we have to g-“ I sat straight up and looked at the clock “Holy buttocks! Why didn’t you wake me earlier!?” I said practically jumping out the bed and rushing to the bathroom.

I didn’t bother to lock the door anymore, I was extremely comfortable around Cayden. We had no secrets, or at least I didn’t… Cayden was acting strange these days I just hope he tells me what it is soon.

I finished washing my hair and dried it a little then wrapped myself in the towel stepping out of the tub. I heard my phone go off signaling a message, I’ll just look at it later.

I began getting dressed in a simple white strap dress, I looked in the mirror. The dress was beautiful in its way and it’d go great with the graduation gown I had to wear.

I just got out my make-up bag and set it on the counter when Cayden came fuming in holding my phone up and open.

“What the hell is this?!?” he asked pushing the screen to my face.

“What?!” I snapped at him then snatched my phone out of his hand. It was a message from Alex, one of my best friend aside from Elena and Evelyn. It said ‘Woke up yet babe?’ I didn’t get what he was so mad about he knew Alex and I often call each other stuff like that.

It was funny at first of course, he actually thought I was going Bi for Alex, that was another reason I call her Alex even though her name is Alexandra. She wants me to call her Alex for the macho masculiness off it, if it makes sense, she was also the one who changed it on my phone.

“And?” I asked Cayden clearly confused.

He snatched my phone back and looked at it again “Who is this Alex person?! I never heard of him! He even called you ‘babe’!” Cayden shouted.

I shook my head “Isn’t it to early for all of this Cayden?” I asked him in a more calm manner motioning my arms around the room.

“No it’s not! Now you tell me who is this Alex boy!” He shouted. I knew no matter how loud we got no one would come in, they were so used to it, sad I know but true.

Should I torture him? Yeah, I have certainly gotten more evil from the beginning of the school year to now.

I shrugged and turned around to apply my nude make-up. Cayden grabbed my shoulder and spun me back around to face him, his eyes baring into mine and I could feel him searching me for answers.

Oh flipper! I can’t do this to him.

“Alex is Alexandra” I told him.

“Really?” he asked narrowing his eyes. I nodded “Sure is” I said holding out my phone to him “Want to talk to her?” I asked him.

He shook his head “No, it’s okay” then he wrapped me in his arms putting on his goofy grin.

“I freakin love you” He cooed against my hair.

“I freakin love you too” I said kissing him lightly not want him to get any ideas of ‘what I want’ or so he put it.

“But you should really go get ready, we have literally 15 minutes” I said looking at the clock hanging in the bathroom.

He also turned around to look at it and heard him silently cuss then he speed off to get ready.


We were standing in line to get our diploma in alphabetical order and Cayden was a ways down from me. There was some guy behind me shifting on his feet because Cayden was giving him the evil eye and he probably knew it. I think Cayden believes that the guy behind me was the mysterious Alex, so he hasn’t given that up yet huh. I felt bad for the guy so I turned around and tried to whisper a “sorry”.

I knew it! I knew he was the Alex you were talking about’ I heard Cayden mentally yell at me.

I turned back and shook my head ‘I told you, Alex is Alexandra, I told you to call but you said no

Yeah, but you just talked to him..’ He said sullenly.

I see how much you trust me’ I said in a disappointed voice then closed him out. Now he could stand there squirming, that’s what he gets for suspecting me. Blehh.

“—na” I faintly heard the principle call me which snapped me back to reality, I blushed because all eyes were on me and went up shook three peoples hands and went back down to take my seat by the front.

Cayden looked dashing, yes I said dashing going up there to get his diploma, although do he really even need it?

He took the seat next to me and the ceremony went on. When the last kid went up I thought it’d be over but then the principle said “and now may I call up Cayden to give his speech” while grinning.

I looked over to Cayden and he looked fidgety like he was nervous, he looked at me and I gave him a ‘what?’ look. He said nothing but stood up and walked up the stage to the stand as the principle stepped down.

He scanned the ground and gave a small smile then his eyes landed on me, honestly I was still confused, the faces around me told me that they didn’t know either.

I looked over at Elena and she was smirking?

“Aina-“ He began looking lovingly at me, he took the mic out of the stand and began walking down towards me.

“I love you more than anything in the world-“ he continued now standing directly in front of me.

I began to tear up, was he…

“You are my life and I’d do anything for you, so would you please marry me?” he asked getting on one knew and pulled out a little box from his pocket.

The ring was beautiful, diamond encrusted around the band and the biggest was in the center, it was made out of white gold and absolutely perfect.

I let the tears come out and said “I’d love to” softly but everyone heard me, undoubtedly they were all holding their breath just as Cayden had been.

He stood up and put the ring on my finger then pulled me into a big huge with everyone around us cheering and whistling.

So this was the secret.


Yeah yeah i know, i rushed. But hey, i told you i was going to.

And sorry if the ending sounded so cliff hangerish but let me tell you.

Cayden and Aina will have a happy life full of adorable babies!!

Oh! and great news i found out my position today. I'm a long distance runner :D annnnnnd i kept beating my record everytime i ran, oh yeah!! so cool! lmbco (in case you dont know what lmbco is *cough* noob *cough* it meaaans laugh my butt cheeks off. ehehehehehehe.ok....i'm done :D

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