You're my Alpha Mate? - Pt. 3

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Sowwwwwy, this one may be's a filler because i didnt want everything to happen in a day lol.

I pwomise the next one will be more....dramatic?


I jumped up past a bewildered Ryan into Cayden's open arms.

"Hey there" He said grinning at me.

I pulled away to look at his face "What are you doing here?" I asked. "You don't want me here?" he teased in a sad tone.

"Of course I do!" I exclaimed. "Well then here I am" he said.

I heard the teacher clear his throat at the door we were blocking. I blushed and pulled Cayden along with me out of the way.

The teacher went a set up his stuff on the desk, then he turned back to look at Cayden. "Are you new here?" he asked giving Cayden the eye over.

"Yes sir!" Cayden said saluting, I chuckled.

I looked over to Ryan, he still looked perplexed.

The teacher scrolled his eyes down the attendance list on the computer and sure enough his name was there so he told us to take a seat.

I pulled him back to where Ryan and I were sitting. I also noticed that a few, more like most of the girls were eyeing Cayden. Too bad he's taken already ladies.

As soon as Cayden sat down Ryan glared at him "What are you here for?" Ryan asked a scowl on his face. Cayden shrugged indifferently "I'm here to be with my girl" He said reaching over my desk to intertwine our hands. I blushed and at the same time smiled at him.

"You know you shouldn't! What about your Alpha responsibilities!" Ryan said angrily.

"I'll manage" Was all Cayden said before looking at me again.

"I don't like to admit it, but Ryan is right. I don't want you to slack on your duties because of me" I told Cayden. Ryan looked smug for a minute.

Cayden frowned "I told you I'll manage, it's not that hard and besides it's not like I don't already know this stuff" He told me casually.

I thought about it for a moment but gave in so I sighed "If your ever tired, I want you to stop, ok" I said in a tone of finality.

He nodded as Ryan had that scowl on his face again.

Math was boring as usual, well a little more exciting now that Cayden is here though. He and I kept exchanging glances and smiling flirtatiously at each other, if I was an outsider looking in I'd think it was sappy and stupid.

I also got kind of jealous because I can hear the girls whispering about Cayden, he was my mate for god sake, they need to realize there was no chance between them and him. Mean I know, but its reality. He's Mine.


Next class was U.S History

We walked hand in hand to class, and yes there were more girls staring at him. Did they not see our hands? I sighed, I never knew I had a side like this to myself. Would that be a turn off for Cayden? I hope not.

I expected to see Damien, but he was not there.

The time past by really fast with Cayden by my side, although I disagreed with his decisions at the start, but I'm really glad he's here.


In science Evelyn took the news well, surprised but she was okay with it. She admired him for having so much devotion to me.

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