You're my Alpha Mate? - Pt. 7

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Not the best buuuuuut, here!

Oh, i'm so happpppppy i have faaaaaaans! I actually never thought it's be possble lol.


It was 7 now and Damien haven’t heard from me yet, he must be so worried. So I decided I should call him.

“Hello, Damien?” I asked over the phone being quiet so that Cayden doesn’t hear.

“Aina? Where are you?” he asked sounding worried.

“I’m okay, I’m actually at Cayden’s” I told him.

“Did he do something? If you want I can co—“ he began saying when I cut him off.

“No, it’s okay, really he-“ I started when someone snatched the phone away.

Cayden was looking at me like I was a bad kid with his arms crossed over his chest. He had shut off the phone “So I leave for a moment and you call your lover” he snarled.

I stood up “First off he’s not my lover and second of all that was rude so give me back the phone” I growled putting my hand out.

He rolled his eyes and snorted then looked back to me.

He walked over to the phone jack and in one swift movement ripped it out.

I stared at him wide eyed “Wh-What’d you do that for?” I asked shocked.

Cayden POV

I was sitting in my office thinking about what Aina said to me. How could she and that…that thing do it? How did she bear it, to be intimate in that way with someone other than her mate.

Oh goodness, how could I be so dumb?

 The answer was right there, she didn’t. I didn’t detect his scent in her, but of course I was so angry at the moment I didn’t bother.

I hope she’s not too mad…oh, who am I kidding, she’s probably very pissed. Damn, why do I sound so girly.

I got up from the chair I sat down in about 5 hours ago feeling a whole lot better and walked towards our room.

“No, it’s okay, really he-“ She was saying before I silently came in and snatched he phone away turning it off. Without having to I knew who it was.

“So I leave for a moment and you call your lover” I snarled at her.

She stood up looking awfully angry “First off he’s not my lover and second of all that was rude so give me back the phone” she growled putting her hand out to get the phone back.

I rolled my eyes and snorted then looked back to her.

I walked over to the phone jack and in one swift movement ripped it out.

I turned back around to look at her again, hoping she got the message. She was staring at me with wide eyes “Wh-What’d you do that for?” she asked with a tone of shock.

I admit I was mad that she was talking to him. She is mine, mine and only mine. I realize I sound obsessive but if I could, it’d lock her away from all the males in the world, but I know I can’t.

I blatantly sniffed her and she stood there dumbfound “What are you doing?” she asked confused scrunching her eyebrows together, she looked adorable. She looks adorable no matter what she does.

I walked closer to her and gave her a bear hug, she was so small in my arms, she fit perfectly.

I heard her chuckle and let her down “What’s this for?” she asked amusement lacing in her voice.

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