What is going on? $^

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It had been a long day at studio for Zayn. Him and the Lads had a slight argument on one song that they were currently writing. Zayn wanted to go a different direction with the sound on this song, but the other lads did not want to. They wanted to keep their soft rock sound on it.

Zayn did not know what was going on but as if lately the Lads had been ignoring him or picking little fights over honestly nothing. Like one time, they told him that he should quit getting tattoos. Zayn would just glance at Harry and Louis, but did not say anything. If he did they would start raising his voice.

As of lately Zayn had started to branch his way so that he was barely seeing the Lads, only on times where they had to see each other for interviews and writing sessions.

There had been several times were Zayn had to see the Lads where sometimes they would give him a dirty look just because he just walked into the room. Even sometimes they would push him for move and then act like they were messing around. Zayn several times would just go home and cry because he thought the Lads hated him.

It was finally Christmas break for them and Louis would always have the Lads over for his birthday a day early so they could spend Christmas Eve and afterwards with their families.

This time was different; Zayn had texted Louis asking about it when in return Louis did not text him back. Some thing was going on. The Lads were being secretive around him. Zayn had tried to remember if he did something that they would be mad at him, but came up with nothing.

Finally it was time for a writing session and they all were invited to Liam's new house that he had just brought. As Zayn walked into the house, the Lads got silent. Zayn was growing frustrated with this. What was going on?

"Is everything okay?" Zayn asked. He had to know if he had done something wrong.

The four Lads looked at him with confusion.

"Yea, Why?" Liam asked, quickly hiding papers into a folder and putting it away as Zayn came closer.

"You lads are acting like I did something wrong. You are not talking to me unless you have to. What about the party, Louis? Did you not get my text?"

"You did not do anything, Zayn. I did not get a text from you. We tried calling you but you did not answer." Louis lied. They had gotten the calls and texts from Zayn but did not reply.

"I did not get a call from you lads." Zayn stated looking at the glances the four were giving each other.

"Serious mates. What the hell is going on? Do not tell me it is nothing. Do not bullshit me." Zayn had enough of this.

Zayn was pissed.

He gripped the chair into front of him to the point where his knuckles turn white, and glares at the four in front of him.

"Zayn, We can explain-"

"I have had enough of this bullshit. All you four have done is yell at me or ignore me." Zayn wanted to cry. "Why do you hate me? What have I done?"

Out the door Zayn ran as someone yelled at him to come back. Not looking back once, Zayn jumped into his car and left.

Niall glanced up at Louis, "What have we done?"

Louis did not reply, all he did was kept looking where Zayn had been. A deep feeling in his stomach told him to follow. Something was going to happen.

"We should have told him something. I know we are trying to keep it a secret but we should have never treated our brother like that." Harry admitted.

What that the last time they were going to see Zayn? Liam had thought. Was he going to quit because of how they had treated him lately? All these questions were running through all of their heads.

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