I just wanted to help $^

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"Hey Lou-"

"Harry. Can you shut up for a minute?" Louis snapped at Harry. You would have thought that this was not common, but lately it was like this everyday. The Lads ignoring Harry. Harry did not understand what he has done. He even took a different plane ride to Japan from the other Lads since they did not tell Harry which time they were leaving.

Harry had watched his band mates laugh with each other until he will show up in the room and they all leave. Harry had enough of it one day at the new venue they were at. He knew the lads were eating dinner right before they were needed to get ready for the concert. Harry headed where Sarah was making their dinner when he walked in, the four Lads stopped talking, got up and head in different directions.

Harry needed to know what was going on. Why were they ignoring him? Harry knew Niall would be the easiest to talk to, so he followed Niall.

Going down this dark hallway in the stadium, Harry was thinking out loud of what to ask Niall. He did not want to mean at all, but He needed to know.

A few minutes later, Harry was going to give up following Niall. He started to turn around and walk back.

"N-no Please st-stop!" Harry turned around suddenly. He knew that voice. That Irish accent. Niall. Was someone hurting their Irish mate? Harry walked quickly as Niall's whimpers and yells got louder. They were at the venue for their next concert. Harry walked down the dark hallway. Why was Niall down here anyways? They were not allow to go far from Paul, Preston or any of the others. They always had to have one bodyguard with them where ever they went.

Harry finally got to where Niall was, only to see him going into the restroom that was down the hall. Harry quickly glanced around to see if he could get a look at who was hurting Niall. Only catching the backside of the man as he was quickly walking away. Harry went to follow him only to run into Niall as he was coming out of the restroom.

"Oh sorry. Haz?" Niall glanced up to see his curly-haired boyfriend in front of him. Niall suddenly got worried about Harry being there, hoping he did not hear anything that happened a few moments ago.

"Hey Ni. What are you doing back here?" Harry saw the worry in Niall's eyes, and decide to not say anything and just keep an eye out for him.

"Got lost! Maybe exploring!" Niall smiled but it did not reach his now dull blue eyes.

"Without any of us? Niall, you know we can not go anywhere without the guards or any of us Lads?" Harry lectured Niall.

"Sorry, Haz. I saw that all of you were busy." Niall spoke as he kept glancing around. "Let's head back. I am sure that Lou is ready to do our hair and make-up."

Harry just nodded as he pulled Niall into a hug only for him to step back. Harry sent Niall a worried yet confused face. Harry knew someone just hurt Niall, but did not want Niall to know that he knew.

Niall just went on without noticing Harry was watching his every move.

It was finally time for the concert. Everything was going great. Niall was acting like nothing was wrong. Niall was just being his normal self. Doing his famous jump, that drives the fans crazy. Laughing at everything Louis said, or at something Liam did. Harry noticed that Niall had been trying to keep his distance from him. Harry had been watching Niall's every move. He was worried that Niall was going to hurt himself. Harry noticed that Niall was walking weird earlier when he found him, but the seemed to be fine now.

The concert had finished without anything happening thank goodness. The Lads went into a room, where the bodyguards had told them to go, so the fans could get out of the stadium. The Lads were staying at the venue in their newly upgraded bus. They had one more show at the stadium.

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