"Lads!" Niall screamed, coughing into his hand. The flames roared furiously as they covered the house the five lads of One Direction lived in together. The smoke was filling Niall's lungs all too quickly, he could feel his throat slowly closing up.
"Harry! Louis! Liam! Zayn!" Calling for his band mates, trying his hardest to find them but he started coughing and hacking once more.
Niall threw open the door to Liam's room, glancing around to find that Liam wasn't there. Running towards the bathroom, yelling his band mate's name. "Liam! Liam? Are you in here? Li?"
Moving on, Niall tried Louis's, once again not finding his band mate. "Louis?" Nothing.
Making his way into Harry's room. "Harry?!" Just as he yelled, the flames started to roar.
"Shit," Niall muttered, gagging as his chest tightened."Please let them just be safe," Niall begged silently, praying to God that his best friends were safe and sound. He couldn't let anything happen to them.
Lastly, Niall peeped into Zayn' room, in hopes that he would find his bandmates there, but came up short. Every room was empty. He sighed in relief, but fear quickly engulfed his body as he felt hot pain on his leg. Glancing down, he screamed as he saw the flames sizzling on his skin, burning right through his jean pants. His scream was cut short, however, as his body was pushed harshly, an explosion of flames erupted behind him, shoving his body onto the soot-covered ground. His head whacked against the floor and pushing himself up as he saw the door opening as several firefighters made their way into the house. Thank the stars that he was going to be safe, but his last thoughts were on his band mates, praying once more that they were outside as his world faded black.
Niall was slowly coming to when he faintly saw a pair of feet right in of where he was. As his ears popped, he barely heard the stranger's voice. As his throat loosened, he couldn't yell. As his heart weakly thumped against his black chest, he felt hope as the feet stopped in front of him. Niall glanced up as he was met with a face. The man's mouth moved, but Niall couldn't hear anything. His ears too full of soot and ash to work. His throat constricted again and his eyes fluttered. He felt his body being lifted, he felt his head lull onto the man's shoulder, he felt his stomach warm up. He was finally safe. With one last though of his band mates as all of their faces flash through his mind as he welcomed the darkness.
His band mates could only watch on in horror as their home was engulfed completely by the raging flames. They were all screaming and crying for Niall. They were being held back by their friends who just happened to visiting. The minutes ticked by, yet, still no sign of Niall, or any of the fire fighters, for that matter. All of them were a mess, and only thinking about the negatives. What if Niall was dead? What if this, what if that? They all were praying their hardest that their band mate and best friend was okay. A little guilt was in their hearts because they couldn't go back in there to save him.
The fire was finally dying down and the firefighters were coming out of the house. Four heads watched as one firefighter came out hold a certain blonde.
"Niall!" Harry had screamed, charging over to where the man was handing Niall's limp body over towards the Medics that were waiting by. Harry had held Niall's hand tightly as the medics began to work on the small blonde. The lads had begun to cry once more pulling each other into a group hug as they watched and cried over their fallen friend.
An oxygen mask was strapped to his face, fresh air being pumped into Niall's lungs, his chest moving steadily once more. All four lads started to breath as they watched the blonde's chest moving once more. A few seconds later, the medics told them that they were taking Niall to the nearest hospital since they have done all they could.
Four lads rushed to Liam's car as they sped behind the ambulance holding their band mate.
After what seemed like forever, Niall had awaken.When he first opened his eyes, he saw white. It took some time for his eyes to readjust to the brightness. His ears caught the sound of a steady beep, beep, beep, looking towards the sound he noticed that he was hooked up to a machine that was telling him that he was alive. As he looked around the room, he noticed four faces trained on him. He smiled because his boys were safe and were here with him.
"Hey," He whispered, voice hoarse.
"Hey. That's all you can say?" Louis snapped as his hand gripping Niall's tightly, "What the fuck were you thinking?! Why didn't you get your ass out the house?!" Louis didn't mean to sound angry, but man was he terrified. He almost lost one of his best friends.
Niall looked down at his lap briefly before sighing, laying his head back against his pillows. "I thought...I thought you guys were still in there too...had to get you lads safe," The blonde whispered, a yawn escaping. Four pairs of eyes immediately softened, their hearts fluttering in their chests.
"Oh, Ni," Liam whispered as he pushed a blonde hair out of Niall's eyes. "We were outside. I don't think we have ever been that scared in our lives. We tried so hard to go back into the house to get you, but Andy, Cal, Ed and them were holding us back. I am glad you are okay."
"Me too," Niall smiled as another yawn escaped him.
"Go to sleep. We will be right here."
"Promise?" Niall smiled.
"Pinky Promise." Louis said.
All was good. Everyone was safe and sound. Niall was finally able to head out a week later, only to get babied by his band mates as they stayed in a small house that Harry had for vacation so that they could rebuilt their house.
A year later, they finally moved into the newly built house, Niall glanced around, his finger finding the scars left by the flames on his arms only to smile and thank the stars that they all were safe and sound.

Zianourry One Shots
FanfictionOne shots all about Zianourry.. Requests are Closed till I can finished the request i have :) You might have to follow me to see some of the stories :) VOTE VOTE VOTE and Comment please :)