Protecting them $^ (N)

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"Welcome five lads who have won over the world. One Direction everybody!"

The five lads walked out from behind a huge curtain and headed towards a couch once more. It has been interviews after interviews all week. The lads were doing promo for their new album Four.

As the lads shook the interviewer's hand and sat down, they were thrown into questions about several rumors about them breaking up, them fighting each other, hating each other etc.

The interviewer had asked several questions that had been asked all week. How is the album different from the last one? What is your favorite song and why? What kind of sound is it? Is it your favorite so far?

All during the interview, this guy just didn't sit well with Louis. There was something off about him from the moment they walked in. It was just the way he was looking at Niall, that did not sit well with Louis. All of the lads had became protective of Niall since several times before an interviewer had tried to rape him when none of them were around.

Louis shared a glance with Zayn and noticed that he was thinking the same thing.

"Something is wrong. I do not like this guy at all" Louis whispers, eyes flickering to the interviewer.

Zayn sighs, as he tried to listen to what Niall was talking about with the guy. The interviewer had gotten a tad bit closer to the blonde then he would like. Zayn reached his arm behind Louis and bent over to whisper in his ear. "I do not like him either."

The Interviewer turns and starts to talk to Louis and Zayn. "Any new tattoos lads?" His dark eyes stay on Louis and smiled a fake smile, as Zayn answered with a no, that they did not have time to get any at the moment. The interviewer smile and turned back to Niall, putting a hand on the blonde.

Niall glanced at Louis with an uncomfortable look. Louis knew that Niall was having a flashback to what happened several months ago with the music producer.

"Niall here, is scared to get a tattoo. Aren't ya Nialler?" Louis smiled as the interviewer took his hand off of Niall's knee. Niall silently thanked Louis.

"M' not scared, Louis. Just do not think I need one." Niall smiled at Louis.

"You're just scared. Admit it, Horan." Louis smirked.

"M' not scared." Niall mumbled as the interviewer change the subject.

"Zayn, look at him. Niall was terrified." Louis mumbles again, dropping his head so that his words were only heard by Zayn.

Zayn nods his head once more as his eyes only flickering to the interviewer only to see him closing the interview and thanking the Lads.

The Lads waved goodbye and walked out of the interview room towards Paul.

"We are going to be stuck here a bit longer, Lads. Sorry."

"Why?" Liam asked.

"Your fans found out where the interview was and there are hundreds of them out there. It is too risky to let you all out now. There is a room with food and stuff for you all to wait in." The Lads nodded their heads as they followed their bodyguard into the room. 

Somehow between the interview room and the room they were going to chill in, Niall had disappeared. He was all alone with no security; he has no idea where Preston or Alberto or anyone else are. Looking down at his phone, Niall decided to call Liam as he wondered around. Before he knew it, he was back in the interview room. 

"Well... shit. Come on Li. Please answer." Niall started to feel more and more uncomfortable with each passing second and wishes that one of the Lads would answer their phone already. He clears his throat as he can feel a pair of eyes on him constantly. Niall glanced around to find that the interviewer was staring right at him. 

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