Five plus One $@6

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I didn't do a Y/N, I just picked a name, since it is a bit easier doing that. :)

Can I just say that I had a blast doing this one!?! Is that bad?

I kinda of want to do more requests like this one! Would that be okay? If you have any ideas for this, please comment them below!!! hehehe. Love love doing this one.. Am I just weird?


"See what you done to me." Alex was singing at the top of her lungs as she was getting dinner ready. Glancing at her phone so saw that Liam had text her telling that him and the Lads would be home soon. They were just finishing up interviews for their upcoming album.

Alex glanced out the window and started to think about everything. She knew that it was wrong having five boyfriends, but it did not feel like that at all. She loved all five of the Lads and all five of them loved her and each other.

Mixing the pasta and sauce together, Alex continued to sing. Not hearing her boyfriends come into kitchen, until one of them decided to complain.

"Leave the singing to us, Alex. Just be quiet, it is annoying sometimes listening to you." Alex turned around to see the Lads looking, well glaring at her. She knew not to say anything. She had seen the tiredness on their faces, and knew not to press anything. She would be lying if she had said that did not hurt her a bit. The Lads were never that straight forth at all. They had told her several times that they loved it when she sings. She knew they just had a hard day and put it behind her.

"Sorry. Dinner is done. Just go sit down and I will bring it out." All five of them left the room.

Alex turned towards her boyfriends only to frown. They would always help her carry stuff. Something must have happened for them to act like this.

Alex started to carry the garlic bread to the living area only to overhear the Lads talking. She stood behind the wall to listen in. She would never do this. She respected the Lads and they respected her when she was with a group of friends.

"Is it me or Is Alex getting fatter." Niall asked.

"No, she is definitely getting fat. Does She realize that she can not sing?" Louis asked as he pulled out his phone.

"Probably not. All we do is tell her she is a great singer. I do not want to hear her feelings but, she can not sing at all. I agree with Lou, she has been getting fat. What are the fans going to think?" Liam said as he sat down on Zayn's lap.

"I do not know. They will not like it. They already do not since she is with us all the time. Some times I wish that She was not with us as much, even I wonder what it would be like if the just five of us were in a relationship."

Ouch. Alex had to sit down the bread before she drop it. Is that what they really think? They knew that she was insecure about her weight and being the only girl in the relationship and especially about how the fans were towards her.

Tears threaten to fall down her pale cheeks. Shaking her head a bit, as she continues to hear them talk badly about her, she picked up the bread and moved into the room for the talking to be silent.

She was not going to be weak. She was going to get through this. She was not going to cry. She was just going to show them that they were wrong.

"How was the interview?" She asked as she handed out the bread.

"Good. You know we have hands, right?" Zayn pointed out.

"Oh. Sorry." She mumbled as she walked into the kitchen to grab the rest of the food. Alex slowly took a deep breath as normally the Lads would help her, but for today she was doing everything herself. "Here is the rest of the food." Alex smiled sadly as she put the food in front of the Lads.

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