Niall could hear the sound of birds chirping outside as he open his eyes to see the sun beginning to peak through his window. It took him a moment to realize that he was home. Home as in Mullingar, Ireland. He had decided to head to Ireland instead of London. He wanted to see his family and all. He knew they would help cheer him up a bit, before he had to go back soon. He sat up slowly on his bed as he stretch his back out and breathe. He was home. He was where he belong. All the thoughts of what had happened the past several months came into his mind. Boy, was he glad that he was home and away from the four people he did not want to be around. Forgetting them, Niall got up from his bed and went over to his lounge chair to put on the clothes that were laying there. Tight jeans, and a t-shirt with a light jacket. Yup. Perfect. Looking outside he saw that it was bright as can be. Might want a hat. Picking up one of his hats on his night stand, Niall made his way downstairs, where he could smell bacon frying and pancakes cooking.
Walking into the kitchen to see his mum making breakfast with Denise helping and Greg watching the game on the TV.
"Uncle Ni!" Theo squeals excitedly. Niall laugh and pick him up, setting him on his hip. Niall smile and nod at him as Theo was poking him in the face.
"Greg, is it okay to take Theo out to the park for a hour or so. I kinda of want to get out and about today! Anyways the fans do not know I am home." Niall asked as he tickled Theo and Theo giggled uncontrollably.
Greg looked towards Denise as she nodded. "Sure, Niall. Be careful!"
"Oh Niall! Do not forget breakfast!" His mother handed him several pieces of bacon wrapped up for later.
"Thank Mum." Niall kissed her cheeks as he and Theo headed out the door.
Niall and Theo had walked around the park for about thirty minutes before some fans started to notice Niall.
Niall asked them kindly not to post anything and sign and took pictures with them, before they all left.
Niall told Theo to get some ice cream and to shop. Niall wanted to spent much time with Theo since he would have to go back to Japan tomorrow. Since it was a long flight back. Niall knew he was wearing himself out doing all the flying and all, but he knew just one day with his family would be perfectly fine and help him handle the next few weeks until he had the two month break in April.
They had finally gotten back to the house walk in the kitchen with smiles on their faces and bags in their hands.
"Niall! Where have you been?"
"Mother. We just went shopping, right Theo?" Niall smile big at them, and then Theo was just giggling away as Niall mess with him.
"When do you head back, Niall?" Greg asked as he handed his brother a beer.
Nodding his thanks as he answered, " Tomorrow at six in the morning. It is a long flight back, but it was worth coming here and just being here a day to hang out and visit with you."
"Did something happen between you and the Lads?" Greg asked as he and Niall went outside to chat and catch up.
"No, why would you say that?"
"Niall. I may not see you all the time, but I know you. Something happened. You barely come visit on your several weeks break. Why not? I am glad you came, but I just want to know if you are alright."

Zianourry One Shots
FanfictionOne shots all about Zianourry.. Requests are Closed till I can finished the request i have :) You might have to follow me to see some of the stories :) VOTE VOTE VOTE and Comment please :)