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Hey guys Eve here back with another update as all of you wanted one!Enjoy! Might be my last update as I have exams but lets see! 

A U T H O R   P O V

Ranbir and Prachi woke up by hearing bangs on the iron door... "OPEN! YOU KIDS BETTER BE NOT DOING ANYTHING FISHY IN THERE!" Vikram's father banged on the door.....

Ranbir hugged Prachi tightly as his psychotic father entered the room..... "Rise and Shine...." he sand as he was swinging his gun on his right hand.....

Ranbir heard Prachi whimpering making him hug her tighter...... Not to tight to suffocate her but enough to receive a lot of comfort from him! 

"Awwww~ such a cute couple.... What if someone dies in the couple? Which one?" He said making Ranbir glare at him..... (by glare I mean dead glare) 

"You aren't even scared of losing me, aren't you?" Ranbir asked Vikram while hugging Prachi as tight as he could possibly do.....

Vikram looked at him angerly..... "I will never let anyone hurt Prachi..... As much as you want to I cannot obey your commands right now..... As.... Prachi... Needs me" he explained as he caressed Prachi's back....

"SON! Let her cry if she wants to.... You can't stop me from killing her....." Vikram said leaving Ranbir with an angry face with a white colored fist because of how much he clenched them....

"I'm not that cruel, am I? At least I got you kids some food..." his dad snickers then with a snap of his fingers, two men in black came in the room and put the two trays beside them and left immediately.....

Ranbir's Dad (AKA Vikram) let out an evil chuckle and showed them an evil smirk.... He leaves the room, locking the iron door.... 

"Come Prachi, It's time for breakfast..... Nom Nom Time" he tried to cheer the crying girl beside him.... He takes the spoon then tried to feed her but she looked away making Ranbir worried....

"Prachi I know you are angry with me but you need to eat!" he told her but she moved away for Ranbir

"Prachi!?" he said as he tried get to come closer but Prachi kept moving away.... "N-No..... S-Stay away for m-me" Prachi cried leaving Ranbir shocked 

"I know that you are angry with me, but I didnt do anything wro-"" I SAID STAY AWAY!" she said then hugged her knees.....

"As you wish Prachi" Ranbir said sadly and ate his food 

T I M E   S K I P 

Ranbir finished his food and looked at Prachi again.... She didn't even speak and just cried the whole time.... She didn't even look at him....

He looked at Prachi's plate it was the same as before... She didn't even eat a single piece of rice....

"Prachi you need to eat or el-" "D-Don't talk to m-me Just Don't" she cried more and then buried her face in her knees once again....

Ranbir was highly upset but just sighed and looked down at the floor...

His gaze shifted at the iron door.... He stood up and then walked up to the door..... He looked through the bars and then looked for anyone outside.....

Two guards were standing on each sides of the door....."EXCUSE ME!" he shouted as loud as he could making the two guards and the crying girl (AKA Prachi) look at him

"GET ME OUT OF HERE!!!" He shouted as he repeatedly punched the iron door making his knuckles bleed....

Prachi noticed he was hurting himself... She saw blood dripping on the floor from his hand.. She saw his face was red in anger... She saw his veins popping out of his neck.....

The iron door opened revealing his dad.... "What do you want son? I'm really busy right now-" "I want to leave this fucking jail cell" he said clenching his teeth...

"Wait what about 'Prachi'?" Vikram asked making Ranbir look at Prachi. He also caught Prachi looking at him....

"I-....... I d-don't care about her anymore" he said to his father making his father grin whereas Prachi just looked at him with tears in her eyes 

"R-Ranbir?" Prachi said in tears..... He was the only protection she had and now he just said he doesn't care about me!? She thought (I hate the author! 🤦‍♀️🤬)

"Okay.... You will stay in the new room... Ms. Priya will lead you there" Vikram said as he left for a important meeting....

Ranbir took a deep breath and was about to take a step when he felt two hands around his legs....

He looked down to find a crying and Begging Prachi hugging his legs "R-Ranbir.... Pl-Please..... D-Don't leave me..... P-Please... You're the only one who can pro-protect m-me..... You pro-promised t-to br-bring me back to my fa-family.... Y-You told m-me that y-you..... would Ta-Take care of me.... Pl-please don't leave me Please" She cried begging him not to leave her.....

Ranbir wa on the verge of crying but controlled his tears..... He hated it when he saw her in this condition... But He kicked off her hands from his leg....

"R-R-Ranbir" She called.... Her tears fell on the ground next to Ranbir's where blooded dripped earlier....

Prachi hugged his legs again and continued to cry.... "P-Please... I D-DON'T W-WA-WANNA D-DI-DIE PL-PLEASE DO-DON'T L-LEAVE ME...." Prachi cried.....

Ranbir looked at her.... His heart melted.... He crouched to reach her... "Listen here Prachi!" Ranbir calmly said while holding her chin making her look at him....

Ranbir smiled at her.... "You finally looked at me" Ranbir said in relief.... "And plus I will never leave you here this was just for us to escape" he says as he carried the girl in bridal style and ran to Ms. Priya....

"Ms. Priya! Where's my new room?" Ranbir rushed to Ms. Lee she then pointed to one of rooms on the left and then he rushed there with Prachi....

He laid Prachi down on the bed.... "Don't worry Prachi I will always guard and protect you but now you take some rest" 


Hope you liked this mess 
Hope it alway makes sense :D 
Thank you so much for the love and support
Suggestions and Love is always welcome

Until we met next time

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