Chapter 4

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   There was a time when everything felt simple. Choosing an outfit, going on a date, making plans with friends for the weekend. It all fitted perfectly in her schedule. She once felt free and independent of her own decisions.

As she braided her best friend's thick, blonde hair, she could not help herself but envy her. Her slim and athletic silhouette matched perfectly with her ocean blue eyes and naturally wavy hair and her appearance made more than one person turn around on her path. She was a natural eye-catcher and she quickly switched from boyfriend to boyfriend but she had finally calmed down and was now already in the third month of her relationship with Tyler, a guy from the basketball team.

Brianna's brown, curly hair, her brown eyes, and her brown skin made her feel monochrome in comparison to her Barbie-like best friend. However, she was always told that she looked stunning and she never doubted her parents' and best friend's words.

"Ow," she heard.

"I'm so sorry, did I pull too much?" Brianna worried, holding a strand of hair.

"No, no. You're fine, don't worry," she laughed.

They each picked an outfit for the other and while Brianna was doing her hair, only she could manage the thick curls that rested on her head, her friend was applying some make-up. In the background, she could hear a One Direction song playing, their favorite band.

Suddenly, they heard the doorbell ring and they glanced at each other, eyes wide open. It was the rush.

"Quick!" Brianna yelled.

"Pass me the lipstick," her friend asked.

"Can I get a hair tie?"

Objects were flying across the bathroom as the girls' stress levels increased.

"Girls!" Brianna's mother called.

"We're coming!" Brianna replied.

She turned to her friend who gave her a thumbs up and she smiled back, mouthing "you look gorgeous". They held hands and hurried downstairs where Brianna's parents and two boys were waiting for them. The boys were both casually dressed with a pair of jeans and a t-shirt whereas Brianna and her friend had dressed up nicely with skirts and cropped tops complemented with light make-up.

"You look beautiful, girls!" Brianna's mother complimented them.

The boys stood in awe in front of them and the girls looked at each other, laughed and each hugged their respective boyfriend. After hugging her parents, Brianna, her boyfriend, and her friends left the house for the local diner restaurant.

Brianna grabbed her boyfriend's hand as they walked side by side and they smiled at each other.

"You look fantastic, Bri!" he smiled.

"Thanks! I'm so excited for tonight. I cannot believe we are both celebrating our three months anniversary! What a coincidence, don't you think?" Brianna asked.

He simply nodded.


Unlike the times she had been to the cinema with her parents to watch Disney movies, this moment felt particularly special. The place was surprisingly empty which meant that they would get to properly enjoy the movie. Brianna immediately got her phone out and captured this instant.

She would print it and add it to the "memories" page on the scrapbook she was making for her boyfriend. She had begun a couple of days before and planned on gifting it to him on their six months anniversary. When she had told her best friend, she remembered her opening her eyes in surprise and asking why she started so early. She never knew what to answer.

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