secrets of the lake (remus's version)

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Remus had always quite enjoyed the subject of Defense Against the Dark Arts

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Remus had always quite enjoyed the subject of Defense Against the Dark Arts. He enjoyed the feeling of control he had when performing the complex spells. He enjoyed the usefulness that sparked in him. And, despite the batty old professor, he enjoyed the laid back and simple class environment.

What Remus did not enjoy, however, was the feeling of Valerie's eyes trained on the side of his face.

He was doing his best to ignore it. He was doing his best to burn holes through his parchment and to appear more than interested in whatever the hell Professor Merlow was droning on about. He was doing his best to steer clear of this girl.

But, no matter what, she would not look away.

Remus looked over at Sydney, who had her tie draped undone around her neck and her brown hair falling over her cheeks so that the only glimpses of her face that Remus could catch were when she glanced every so often up at the clock.

He wished she would move her hair.

Something whacked Remus on the side of the head and he looked down to find a crumpled piece of parchment clattering to the desk beside him. He turned across the room to find James twirling his wand around his fingers.

James's eyes flitted to the spot where Remus knew Valerie was sitting and then back to Remus widely.

"She loves you," James mouthed, nearly laughing. Remus rolled his eyes.

"I know," he mouthed back.

James made a heart with his hands and closed one eye as he moved it, as though he were framing the shape around Remus and Valerie across the room.

"Fuck you," Remus mouthed.

James stuck out his bottom lip and placed his hand over his heart.

James looked back at Valerie and his eyebrows furrowed together in concern.

"She looks like she's mind-fucking you," he mouthed to Remus, almost laughing again.

"Help me."

Sirius suddenly pushed himself to his feet beside Remus and stretched rather extravagantly as the rest of the class began closing their books and filing away as well.

Remus shoveled his things into his bags and stood up, turning to watch as Sydney disappeared through the door with the girls and a smile.

Peter and James met up with Remus and Sirius in the back and the four of them slipped out the door as well.

Remus instantly found the girls through the sea of students, Sydney's small smile etched permanently through her lips as Marlene said something rather dramatically.

"Remmy!" Cried a piercing voice.

Remus had never truly appreciated how beautiful the Hogwarts corridors were before.

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