all of me (remus's version)

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The rest of the week was blurry

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The rest of the week was blurry.

Remus had a hard time remembering anything, besides the fact that as quickly as the moon filled, his patience dissipated.

In the few short days since their return to Hogwarts, Remus had created quite the mess, though he couldn't exactly say it was by accident.

On their first day back, Remus had ripped the arm from Sirius's record player after Sirius refused to turn down the volume on his dreadful music whilst Remus was trying to study. He had a difficult time containing his focus during moon weeks, you see, and the music was causing the words to fly about the page in all different directions.

James had made a remark about it simply being due to the combination of Remus's exhaustion and his dyslexia, and not, in fact, Sirius's music. Remus promptly smashed James's glasses.

After that, Peter became a tittering ball of nerves around Remus, always jumping out of his way and apologizing fiercely. He thought, Remus assumed, that this would keep Remus from spinning his anger on him, Peter, however it only annoyed Remus all the more. Remus ended up shouting him to tears one morning over toothpaste.

He had even managed to shake off Lily, though she took a bit less convincing than the boys. The pair of them were studying in the library and Lily would not stop chatting about her first date with James. It had much of the same effect as the music, and in the middle of one of her sentences Remus had snapped his textbook closed and stormed off.

She hadn't spoken to him since, though Remus could see her whispering with James whenever Remus walked by.

The one person who was completely unphased was Sydney, and Remus could not figure out why. He had tried to restrain himself with her, that was true. But even still, he had not been perfect.

He had snapped at her and Sirius in Divination for their incessant joking; he ignored her for an entire evening after she had returned late from quidditch and laughing with Walter Diggins, one of the Gryffindor chasers whom Remus was certain had a soft spot for Sydney; and he even smashed one of her framed photographs, leaving shards of glass slitting the smiling faces of her and three girls she knew from home.

But all of this, Sydney thought, was a simple fix. She used magic to easily repair the photo (and likewise removed anything breakable from her bedside table for the time being); she forced her way through Remus's folded arms in his bed the night he had vowed silence and forced him to admit that he was far fitter than Walter Diggins; and in Divination she merely pulled a Tarot card that apparently told of Remus's incoming surplus of excellent fortune (he later found a chocolate bar sandwiched between the pages of his Alchemy textbook).

These fixes always ended in Remus feeling increasingly bad. Despite his inability to prevent this anger, and despite the fact that he quite enjoyed being left alone, Remus knew that his friends did not deserve to be mistreated. Sydney's daily perseverance only echoed this fact, and, though he had never done it before, Remus found himself apologizing to her often.

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