waterproof evening (remus's version)

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Sydney nodded with a pathetic laugh and shoved past Remus and his rejection.

"Syd, wait," Remus pleaded. He made a move as if to stop her, but it was too late. She grabbed Lily and Marlene and pushed her way through the stands.

"Syd!" Remus called, trying to follow her. James put a hand on Remus's chest, preventing him from leaving.

"Woah," the boy said, laughing as though anything about this could be funny. "What'd you do? Tell her you're in love with someone else?"

"Not now, James," Remus said shortly. "I have to go after her."

"You didn't actually do that, right?" James asked, more concerned now.

"No," Remus said. "But she asked me to Hogsmeade and I said "I'm sorry, no." Bloody stupid!"

James shoved him on the shoulder. "The fuck did you do that for?"

"Hogsmeade is tomorrow! And we have the prank and you all have been killing me with this "No girls" and "Marauders over everything" bullshit!"

"Those don't apply when Syd asks you out, you idiot!" James laughed. "We could've accommodated!"

Remus could've punched him.

"Let me go after her," he said instead, trying to push past James again. "Please, I have to explain-"

"No chance," James said. "You've embarrassed her enough for one day. Honestly, Moony, first the Veritaserum and now this?"

"The Veritaserum was you and Lily!"

"Ah!" - James put up a silencing hand - "Let's not throw blame around here. Either way, you're probably the last person she wants to see at the moment. Let me go. I'll smooth it over."

"I still think I should-"

"No, Remus," James said, rubbing the pads of his fingers into his eyes. "You're too young to understand such things."

"I'm 17 days older than you."

"Shh shh shh," James hushed, placing a very breakable finger over Remus's lips. "Just let me handle Squid."

"Fine," Remus stated angrily. James beamed and pushed his clipboard into Remus's chest.

"Finish my scouting for me!" He said, dashing off through the crowd.

"James!" Remus called after him. James stopped short and turned expectantly. "Make her my partner tomorrow, alright?"

James did a quick, two-finger salute and then disappeared in the sea of fans.

Remus let out a huff of hot air and glanced down at the paper that had been thrown into his hands.

Ravenclaw #10, it read at the top. Syd could take her.

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