Gonna tell you how I feel

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Jimin POV:

      It is now almost three months.  I always been with kookie even if he said harsh words and literally left the smallest piece of unbroken heart in me . I was thinking about just confessing my feelings . I hope he will accept or atleast be friends.

   " Hey kookie I wanna talk to you about something are you free?!" I asked while he is playing in his phone.

   " No I am busy go away . You are disturbing me " he said .

   " Kookie it's important just few minutes, please it's very important " I said and he huffed annoyedly and put the phone down .

   " It better be " he said glaring at me .

    " Uh .. I- uh kook- " I was cutted of by him.

     " Oh cut this damn shit out and come to the point without stuttering, you are older than me act like that " he said oh...

    " Kookie I always felt something towards you from the beginning we met, but I just thought it's cause you are my lil brother but sooner I got to knew that I like you more than that kookie . Yes maybe I like boys or only you because I also liked girls before. So maybe I am bisexual but all it matter now is I LOVE YOU kookie . I was doing it for so long and I just wanna tell you all my feelings towards you. I can't just keep it in more as it hurts a lot. Please tell me what you feel kookie . Even if you don't like me back we can be friends you know just ugh.." I quickly said everything he was just staring at me I couldn't tell what his eyes are telling now maybe love ah no way hate ,sad ,or anything.

   He snapped out after few seconds and glared at me and stood up in front of me .

   " You ! You think I will like you? .I never liked you and never will . I should have thought whenever I felt different with you ,now i know it's because yeah you like me in lover way and hell no ! I would love someone like you!  Someone who is so clingy ,just flirting with all persons like hoe and always doing cute stuffs just to get attention from all people . Oh should I tell men? you like getting attention right but no. Cause boy I will never like you and I have aldready felt something for taetae hyung . You are just nothing see you are just so full of yourself thinking I would like you and coming and saying stuffs to me . Haha.  It's really funny you thought I would like some ho- " I slapped him in cheeks before he tell it again .

   " You have no rights to tell me how I am and boy I am hoe?! Me?! You better consult a good eye doctor . You may have just said you don't like me . You know what now, I feel like you never worth anything . Go on and go with tae or whomever you want  and thank you for your precious speech " I added again and burst into tears once I stepped out of the room. It hurts..

    " I had done all I can do for him never made him do any works, took care when he is sick or even good . Made sure he gets everything even when I get nothing. I even starved myself for these fast four months and became like a thin branch. And he calls me hoe ?a clingy flirty hoe! . Let me show him I am not that weak . I am not gonna be head over heels anymore . He aldready likes someone let him be . It's better this way" I said to myself and cried all night for last time before sleep I promise to myself I will become the more better version of myself from now on


~ ah yeah  this chapter I made koo so bad it's just fictional and yeah hope you like and support me by commenting and voting .Thank you for reading~

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