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Jungkook pov:

        It's been a week now  and I still never saw him in morning or just simply talk to him either . He always comes to me more like cling to me, but now.. aish I should feel happy that me and tae hyung  got more close these days, so yup I am happy ...maybe?

    I woke up and did my morning stuffs and went to eat and when I sat and waited for all members to settle down . They all sat down but the seat near me reminded empty... But then a door opening sound caught my ears and saw Jimin hyung woah..he is here gonna eat after long time ..good, great actually. I can atleast spend some time with him.

    He came straight to table and saw that only the seat near me is empty. I was a little happy inside that he is gonna sit near me , he always took foods for me in cups and serve me  ,I miss that to be honest....

   " Yoongi hyung can you please exchange seats with me ? " he said I felt slightly hurt does he not wanna sit near me?...but he always likes it ,strike it he loves it.

  " But why just sit there " Suga hyung said .. ah yes just sit here.

  " Hyung if you can please tell or I will just go back to my room " he said wow ....just wow.

   " Hey there kid you are aldready like thin branch just take my seat, aish these kids these days" Suga hyung said dramatically as he stood up.

   " But jimin hyung, you can just sit here it's your usual place " I said but only got ignored by him ...

  We sat there after and started eating, I took some glances to jimin hyung yes he is like thin branch but also still cute and handsome in his blonde hair.but he never even took a glance at me...

    " Why are you so thin jiminie hyung?! You should eat more you know " I said concern evident in my voice, but just to get ignored  again.

    " Yes Jimin-ah you should eat more you look so skinny like feather" namjoon hyung said .

    " Mm..hyung I am gonna do it don't worry . I will take care of myself more now that  I don't need to take care for anything else " he said the last part looking at me for few seconds before continue eating...what just happened why I feel ....sad?!hurt?!...

    I tried to distract myself by tae hyung but no it didn't work ...

After one week:

        It's still like that or more like worse Jimin hyung never wakes me up , eat near me ,sit near me , talk with me , whenever I talk he just ignores me ..but one good thing he took care of himself, just like he said he is all good now but not that chubby little cute hyung .he is not the usual self anymore atleast not with me . All I can see is his cold and harsh gaze towards me...maybe I should apologise to him then it will all be better and I will be good with tae hyung but I don't really feel happy anymore even with tae tae hyung always by my side .  Yup. It's all gonna be good once I apologise, actually I am his love afterall..


~ah yup! I am tryna make this story short like maybe 10 or 12 chapters and yeah . Support me by commenting or voting so that I can continue ,and thank you all for reading ~


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