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"let's go inside." Haven insisted, looking around at her small group of friends with wide excited eyes.

"I'm in," Juliet said, giving a small shrug at the rest of the group that looked at her with shock. "what? why not?"

"well, for one, there could be some psychopath in there, waiting for us to come inside so they can kill us." Ashton pointed out, crossing his arms stubbornly.

Haven let out a snort. "please tell me you don't actually believe the rumors? that's all they are, Ash. rumors."

Ashton merely rolled his eyes. "I'm still not risking it. you guys can go in without me, I'm going home."

"I second that." Abby agreed, moving to stand next to Ashton.

Haven sighed. "okay, do what you want. anyone else leaving?" she asked, cocking her hip out to the side as she waited for answers.

"I think I'll go with Ash and Abby," Luke spoke up, shifting uncomfortably under the gazes of his friends.

"okay, anyone else?"

no one moved.

"okay! let's do this. we'll see you guys back at Ashton's in about an hour." Haven said as she crossed the street to the black metal gate that blocked people from getting to the old abandoned fun house that sat at the end of the road.

"bye guys," Juliet spoke, hugging Abby before following Haven.

"see you later." Michael spoke up, hurrying after the girls with Sarah by his side. she mumbled a quick "see you" before being pulled along.

"you coming, Cal?" Juliet yelled from the gate, which Haven had managed to break open with a few hard kicks to the rusty old padlock.

"that thing practically crumbled," Michael commented, looking down at the broken lock on the ground.

"whatever, let's just go and get this over with. I'm already creeped out." Calum said, walking up to them.

Juliet let out a laugh before walking through the gates, the rest of them following closely behind.

Ashton, Abby, and Luke heard the gate slam shut with a loud bang just moments before a scream rang clear throughout the quiet night.


I'm so excited for this omf
vote, comment and such if ya'd like, idrc. love you guys <3

trailer by Kidrauhlschik <3

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